{1} Active Tickets (5 matches)

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Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#1739 Reorder or remove deleting the lfs user jhalfs GIT defect Pierre Labastie accepted 05/13/2024
#1730 Improve the dependency system ablfs GIT enhancement Pierre Labastie accepted 12/10/2021
#1733 Improve help in menu jhalfs GIT enhancement alfs-log@… new 08/26/2023
#1740 Warn about tarball name vs. extracted directory name mismatch jhalfs GIT enhancement alfs-log@… new 05/13/2024
#1719 Some files may be not logged when using cmake+porg jhalfs GIT 3.0 defect alfs-log@… new 12/26/2018
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