

13:02 Ticket #1694 (Measured times and sizes include packaging, when package management is ...) closed by Pierre Labastie
fixed: Timings and sizes are the same with anf without package management …
13:01 Changeset [f7d1386]2.4 by Pierre Labastie <pierre@…>
Package management: compute times and sizes without packing times and sizes
12:19 Changeset [9bbb9c8]ablfs-morelegacytrunk by Pierre Labastie <pierre@…>
Package management: compute times and sizes without packing times and sizes
12:17 Changeset [322226d]ablfs-morelegacytrunk by Pierre Labastie <pierre@…>
Do not export the wrapInstall function when porg style is not in use


10:25 Ticket #1694 (Measured times and sizes include packaging, when package management is ...) updated by Pierre Labastie
4 months later, had some time to think a little more: - for SBUs: …


17:01 Ticket #1708 (Date reported for the SBU report file not the same as date in the ...) closed by Pierre Labastie
fixed: fixed at r3972 in trunk, and r3974 in 2.4 branch
17:01 Changeset [6a7c218]2.4 by Pierre Labastie <pierre@…>
merge trunk r3972-3973
16:54 Changeset [45f8a9c8]ablfs-morelegacytrunk by Pierre Labastie <pierre@…>
Forgotten quotes
16:45 Changeset [c57747d]ablfs-morelegacytrunk by Pierre Labastie <pierre@…>
Make the date of the SBU_DU file the same as the one reported at the …
14:16 Ticket #1709 (quote bash variables when passing them to xsltproc) closed by Pierre Labastie
fixed: fixed in trunk at r3970, and in 2.4 branch at r3971
14:15 Changeset [e218205]2.4 by Pierre Labastie <pierre@…>
Quote bash variables in arguments to --stringparam for xsltproc
14:10 Changeset [a4acb12]ablfs-morelegacytrunk by Pierre Labastie <pierre@…>
Quote bash variables in arguments to --stringparam for xsltproc
12:47 Ticket #1709 (quote bash variables when passing them to xsltproc) updated by Pierre Labastie
Status, Owner changed
12:45 Ticket #1708 (Date reported for the SBU report file not the same as date in the ...) updated by Pierre Labastie
Status, Owner changed
10:06 Ticket #1707 (Do not use lfs.org as a domain name) closed by Pierre Labastie
fixed: Fixed at r3969
09:59 Changeset [6990d80]ablfs-morelegacytrunk by Pierre Labastie <pierre@…>
Rmove reference to lfs.org, and try to document the different options …
08:25 Ticket #1706 (Fix the blfs-bootscript download instructions) closed by Pierre Labastie
fixed: Fixed at r3967 in 2.4 branch, and r3968 in trunk
08:25 Changeset [973c767]ablfs-morelegacytrunk by Pierre Labastie <pierre@…>
Use BUILD_DIR and SRC_DIR in bootscripts/systemd-units download …
08:22 Changeset [4954fdf]2.4 by Pierre Labastie <pierre@…>
Use BUILD_DIR and SRC_DIR in bootscripts/systemd-units download …


10:55 Changeset [b37d5e3]2.4 by Pierre Labastie <pierre@…>
Merge trunk-r3965
10:49 Changeset [59bb076]ablfs-morelegacytrunk by Pierre Labastie <pierre@…>
Update CLFS/master.sh do-housekeeping target, thanks to W Harrington …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.