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Results (214 - 216 of 19950)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#389 blfs-book@… lfsbill@… fixed qt-x11-free-3.2.3

A couple interesting fixes: qbutton handling, don't crash on certain actions, certain font handling fixes, some line edit fixes, fix crash when zooming, fix memory leaks, other misc, and some fixes for X11.

Installed using current book instructions ok. Nothing to run-time test it with yet.

#390 blfs-book@… nijweide@… invalid openssl installation incomplete

The openssl installation is incomplete. It is missing the certificates in /etc/ssl/certs. They must be copied manually after the build from the certs/ directory. It is important that this is done after the build, since the build will create some appropriate links.

cp -R certs/* /etc/ssl/certs

It is unclear why the ssl installation skips this. BTW, this will also fix the missing factory.pem errors during build of pine.

#391 blfs-book@… nijweide@… fixed patch for pine isn't patching location of pine.conf and pine.conf.fixed

The pine-4.58-fhs.patch isn't patching the pine/osdep/os-lnx.h file properly. SYSTEM_PINERC and SYSTEM_PINERC_FIXED keep pointing to /usr/local/lib, while all the documentation is updated to use /etc. Hence all the documentation says the pine.conf files must go to /etc while the executable is looking in /usr/local/lib.

This is so fundamental I keep thinking I did something wrong somewhere. but fixing os-lnx.h as described above solved it for me.

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