Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of Ticket #1710

07/04/2006 06:04:13 PM (18 years ago)
Randy McMurchy

(submitted again, this time in the correct place)

With all due respect to the very fine work Dan has done so far, I did not realize that a *different* version of Linux-PAM was necessary. This puts me 100% against the idea now. The reason being is I don't believe we can support it properly. Additionally, it means we need to update whenever RedHat releases an updated rev or adds a patch. To me, it simply isn't worth it.

I'm now for just leaving things the way they are and moving on without even a mention of pam_console in the book, other than perhaps a note saying to check out the Wiki for the (many) changes required if you want to use pam_console.


  • Ticket #1710 – Description

    v18 v19  
    1 With all due respect to the very fine work Dan has done
    2 so far, I did not realize that a *different* version of
    3 Linux-PAM was necessary. This puts me 100% against the
    4 idea now. The reason being is I don't believe we can
    5 support it properly. Additionally, it means we need to
    6 update whenever RedHat releases an updated rev or adds
    7 a patch. To me, it simply isn't worth it.
    9 I'm now for just leaving things the way they are and
    10 moving on without even a mention of pam_console in the
    11 book, other than perhaps a note saying to check out the
    12 Wiki for the (many) changes required if you want to use
    13 pam_console.