Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#4500 vim-9.1.???? (Update before release) new lfs-book task normal Hold
#5006 iana-etc (Update before each release) new lfs-book enhancement normal Hold
#5570 tcl-9.0.1 (wait for expect/dejagnu adaption) reopened lfs-book enhancement normal Future
#5648 util-linux-2.41 new lfs-book enhancement normal 12.4
#5650 Move check to BLFS or remove it new lfs-book enhancement normal 12.4
#5651 The sanity check in chapter 5 Glibc isn't very meaningful assigned Xi Ruoyao enhancement normal 12.4
#5674 systemd-257.4 (Wait for next major version) new lfs-book enhancement normal 12.4
#5676 setuptools-77.0.3 new lfs-book enhancement normal 12.4
#5677 mpfr-4.2.2 new lfs-book enhancement normal 12.4
#5678 shadow-4.17.4 new lfs-book enhancement normal 12.4
#5679 gdbm-1.25 new lfs-book enhancement normal 12.4
#5680 linux-6.13.8 new lfs-book enhancement normal 12.4
#5681 tzdata-2025b new lfs-book enhancement normal 12.4
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