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Results (73 - 75 of 4809)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#711 lfs-book@… lfs@… duplicate LFS 5.0pre3 LD_RUN_PATH causes glibc compile to fail

In chapter05/settingenvironment.html, the LD_RUN_PATH environment variable should be added to the list of things to unset. If LD_RUN_PATH is set, it will cause to be built with a compiled-in RPATH, which will cause the assert() at line 161 of glibc-2.3.2/elf/dynamic-link.h:

assert (info[DT_RPATH] == NULL);

to fail.

#712 lfs-book@… igor@… fixed typo in chapter01/contactinfo.xml

Please direct your all your questions and comments to ...

#714 greg@… gerard@… invalid Clean "lfs" user environment: CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and LD_RUN_PATH are other vars that must be unset.

Since we unset a few vars already, why not add these two. I figure it'll cause more good than harm.

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