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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#742 lfs-book@… lizardo@… fixed We are not using correct domain name examples, as per RFC 2606


On "Creating the /etc/hosts file" section (Chapter 7), we use example /etc/host files and ask the user to change the dummy values with the correct ones. RFC 2606 recommends that, when writing documentation which uses dummy domain names as example, we use one of the following reserved domains:

The main reason is that "Confusion and conflict can be caused by the use of a current or future top level domain name in experimentation or testing, as an example in documentation,to indicate invalid names, or as a synonym for the loop back address."

Additionally, the same RFC describes the use of ".localhost" as loopback reserved TLD, but does not mention ".localdomain" anywhere. Although common in many network configuration files, the .localdomain TLD does not seem to be reserved for loopback purposes. For example, most of the ICANN mailing list messages (see show "localhost" being used as loopback TLD with a few occurrences (exact four) of the "localhost.localdomain" address.

In resume, my suggestions are:

  • Substitute "" and "" with the proper "" value;
  • Substitute "localhost.localdomain" with "localdomain.localhost", IF this

change does not break anything.

#744 jeremy@… lizardo@… fixed Remove "db" parameter from /etc/nsswitch.conf (Glibc)


In summary, we are using an outdated /etc/nsswitch.conf. The "db" option is not needed on recent Glibc versions. Also, we are disabling NIS Name Service support, but not indicating proper references to enable this if needed/desired.

Additionally, the Linux Network Administrator's Guide ( has many example files for some network configuration files we are using. I recommend we take a look on these examples to see if we are setting up them properly or if we could simplify them by removing unnecessary lines.

#745 lfs-book@… gropie-rubble@… fixed resuming installation process - "+h" missing!


I just found following 'bug' - well it's just an information missing.

When you first chroot into your lfs system (chapter 6) the chroot command doesn't pass the +h option to the bash. Its passed later when "Creating the passwd and group files"

BUT it is not mentioned that you should add it, when you stop the installation process and boot later again to continue. (It is mentioned that you shall mount proc and devpts should you ever reboot though.)

I just ran over this, because I rebooted just before installing the bash (a lot later in chapter 6) and after installing you immediately run it with the exec command AND pass the +h option -> it is still important!

I am a newbie but I think it might be best if you directly when chrooting into the lfs-directory you pass the +h option. (Addidionally many people might use the cursor-up-key to repeat that command without typing it again, so it is never missed)

Greetings Peter

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