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Results (112 - 114 of 4874)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#778 lfs-book@… andre.muller@… fixed boot script went on after telling me "power off" because of e2fsck error

The init script ran e2fsck and told me that some severe error has been encountered. (the message contained therein...) it told me to press enter. then, after saying power down, the rest of the init script ran anyway, but no login was issued.

as my machine is not on a network, i can´t tell wether power was down, actually. the first thing that worked was C-M-Del, which gave a hard reset, no shutdown.

i did NOT want to reproduce this behaviour, though, for my file system´s sake :-)

when running e2fsck on the lfs' partition with my other distro, i did not get any errors in the first place.

btw: after setting my system utterly out of sorts by moving the root dir's contents to somewhere else erroneously (shame on me) and reparing it with the statically linked programs (nice for that!) it gave me an error message on umounting proc (which i believed ;-) and said press enter to continue, but that did not work. it displayed "M" on pressing enter, left nothing to do.

so i guess there´s something wrong with the init script error handling, but i don't want to trace the error on my installation. it's my only one, after all, i don't want to lose all my data and cdrecord don't work yet. so, basically, i can't be more helpful.

#779 lfs-book@… anomalyst@… invalid "mkdir ../binutils-build" fails - Permission denied

cannot create directory `../binutils-build': Permission denied

Revise from: ============================ mkdir ../binutils-build cd ../binutils-build ============================ to be: ============================

Change to where you downloaded the package

cd $LFS/sources

If you batch retrieved packages you might have to unpack the tarball as follows:

tar -jxvf binutils-2.14.tar.bz2


#780 lfs-book@… billyoc@… duplicate coreutils-5.2.0

version increment

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