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Results (172 - 174 of 4816)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#904 lfs-book@… alexander@… duplicate Hotplug 2004_09_20

New upstream version. Changelog says that all LFS-related patches are incorporated. There is also a new "README.modules" file inside the tarball.

I have not tried this new version yet.

#905 lfs-book@… igor@… fixed A small typo on Vim page

s/X Window system/X Window System/ on both testing and unstable.

#906 Matthew Burgess igor@… fixed PAGE set to [letter] instead of [paper_size]

Currently, we have the PAGE environment variable set to "letter" encapsulated with replaceable tags but the paragraph above the configure line may confuse the readers.

We should either 1) remove the replaceable tags from the configure line or 2) set the PAGE variable to, for example, [paper_size] and modify the paragraph

to "Groff expects the environment variable PAGE to contain the default paper

size. For users in the United States, this should be PAGE=letter. Elsewhere, the PAGE=A4 may be more appropriate."

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