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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#910 lfs-book@… lizardo@… fixed Typos on LFS Testing (Chapter 7, setclock.xml and network.xml)

Attached a patch that fixes small typos on these two files.

#911 lfs-book@… lizardo@… fixed Configuring the setclock Script: "hwclock --show" always shows localtime

Chapter 7, "Configuring the setclock Script", says the following: "If you cannot remember whether or not the hardware clock is set to UTC time, find out by running the hwclock --show command. This will tell what the current time is according to the hardware clock. If this time matches whatever your watch says, then the hardware clock is set to local time. If the output from hwclock is not local time, chances are it is set to UTC time. [...]" According to hwclock's man page, with the --show option, "The time shown is always in local time, even if you keep your Hardware Clock in Coordinated Universal Time" This way, the "hwclock --show" command will always show local time and does not help finding whether hardware clock is set to UTC or localtime. The command that does exactly what the LFS book intends to say is "hwclock --localtime --show", which shows the localtime if hw clock is set to localtime, or UTC otherwise. This works because, I suppose, "--localtime" means "show the 'raw' clock (as seen on the BIOS setup)".

#912 lfs-book@… randy@… fixed Incorrect/Incomplete information in Chapter 5 Expect

In Testing:

Chapter 5 Expect instructions say the installed library is libexpect5.42.1.a but what is really installed is libexpect5.42.a

Also, there's no description text for the same library. You can man libexpect for a good explanation which could go in the book

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