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Results (193 - 195 of 4874)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1018 lfs-book@… robert@… fixed binutils dependencies

The version of Binutils in LFS 6.0 and 6.1-testing depends on m4, bison, and flex. This should be added to the list of depends so users are aware bison needs to be installed on the host.

#1019 lfs-book@… yoghi@… duplicate Chapter 5.7 LFS 6.0 confused

too little comprehensible explanation in chapther 5.7 and at a first sight it conflicts with wath's written in chapter 5.6.

#1020 lfs-book@… yoghi@… invalid Chapter 5.7 LFS 6.0 confused

too little comprehensible explanation in chapther 5.7 and at a first sight it conflicts with wath's written in chapter 5.6.

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