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Results (196 - 198 of 4874)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1023 Matthew Burgess hugo@… fixed Perl script enhancement when readjusting the toolchain

In the section "6.12. Readjusting the toolchain":

If that perl script is called more than one time:

perl -pi -e 's@ /tools/lib/ /lib/;' \

-e 's@\*startfile_prefix_spec:\n@$_/usr/lib/@g;' \ gcc --print-file specs

The resulting specs file will look like this:

*startfile_prefix_spec: /usr/libusr/lib/

Which gives the error


crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

If we add a space after the /usr/lib/ part in the perl script, it takes care of the problem (although the same directory can still be present multiple times):

perl -pi -e 's@ /tools/lib/ /lib/;' \

-e 's@\*startfile_prefix_spec:\n@$_/usr/lib/ @g;' \ gcc --print-file specs

#1028 lfs-book@… gerard@… fixed BLFS Index Division - "Kernel Configuration"

Add a reference to BLFS' index page section "Kernel Configuration" in Chapter 8, kernel installation page.

#1029 lfs-book@… freixo@… invalid gcc-3.4.1-no_fixincludes-1.patch

gcc-3.4.1-no_fixincludes-1.patch point to gcc-3.4.0/gcc/

diff -Naur gcc-3.4.0.orig/gcc/ gcc-3.4.0/gcc/ --- gcc-3.4.0.orig/gcc/ 2004-04-05 14:24:51.298169000 -0400 +++ gcc-3.4.0/gcc/ 2004-04-05 14:24:59.824872888 -0400

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