Custom Query (4823 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 4823)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#420 lfs-book@… gerard@… fixed Change man sed into a patch

#423 lfs-book@… gerard@… fixed Add

#433 lfs-book@… highos@… fixed Kernel headers installation requires ownership change to root

On Sun, Oct 13, 2002 at 02:15:48PM -0400, Zack Winkles wrote:

When we unpack the kernel at the beginning of chapter 6 we neglect to change their ownership to root. In their current condition if a user just happened to get assigned the same UID as the kernel, then they would have free reign to modify the sources to their heart's content. Do we really want a user modifying our kernel sources without the permission of the administator? I think not...

Argh, dang it. This was also an issue before we were using the lfs user in chapter 5 (pre-3.2) and we use to run chown. It seems that after the kernel was moved to chapter 6, nobody bothered to check if those old instructions were still needed. (thou that's understandable considering they had been removed as redundant because of the lfs user)

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