Custom Query (4874 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 4874)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#499 lfs-book@… tushar@… fixed flex-2.5.31

Thanks to torsten for reporting a new version.

This bug should be added as a dependency to Bug 30.

#508 lfs-book@… gerard@… fixed Upgrade book to pure-lfs

I think summary says enough. Even I, having been gone for many months, know what that means ;o)

#516 lfs-book@… gerard@… fixed Don't use cp -H in chapter 5 - kernel headers

Host system's cp might not understand the -H option. Mandrake 8.x is reported to have fileutils-4.0p that doesn't have the -H option built-in.

Revert to these commands instead for the chapter 5 - kernel headers. Chapter 6 can remain unchanged as we install a recent coreutils now that does know about cp -H

make mrproper && make include/linux/version.h && make symlinks && mkdir /stage1/include/asm && cp include/asm/* /stage1/include/asm && cp -R include/asm-generic /stage1/include && cp -R include/linux /stage1/include && touch /stage1/include/linux/autoconf.h

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