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Results (103 - 105 of 4881)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#533 lfs-book@… stef@… fixed make check fails on chroot environment (Chapter 6) CVS Version 20030516

If you choose to MAKEDEV -generic-nopty, when (for use with devpts filesystem later) then all make check will fail, as expect can't grab another pseudo tty to work with.

#534 lfs-book@… stef@… fixed whois from inetutils is hopelessly out of date

Whilst you can get around the problem using whois -h, the whois shipping with inetutils is way out of date for it's default whois servers.

Strongly recommend the whois found at the supplied url, which points to the correct servers, then further resolves referrals to the individual registrars to provide full whois information.

#535 lfs-book@… gerard@… fixed Deal with the neccesity of /dev/pts or ptys from MAKDEV

/dev/pts is needed if MAKEDEV is run with the generic-nopty option. This is IMO the recommended combination. And devpts should be available on any kernel these days and it's enabled by default when compiling a new kernel too.

It's probably best to add this mount command to the page where proc is mounted.

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