Custom Query (4881 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 4881)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#539 jeremy@… gerard@… fixed 7 official Bash-2.05b patches

Currently there exists 7 bash-2.05b patches on GNU's FTP server. Add them to the book but not a mega patch as is done currently.

Add some descriptions of what the patches are meant for.

#540 lfs-book@… gerard@… fixed To Be Tested and Verified: new coreutils hostname patch

See archived URL for new patch and what it does. Try it out, if it works as "advertised" replace the current hostname patch with that new one. It'll fix 'make check' errors relating to not installing the hostname program.

#541 jeremy@… gerard@… fixed New chapter 6-zlib installation instructions

The CFLAGS munging is not necessary, so change the instructions as follows: ./configure --prefix=/usr --shared && make && make test && make install && make clean && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make test && make install

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