Custom Query (4881 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 4881)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#565 jeremy@… greg@… fixed Reinstate installation of libiberty.a (and .h)

See the thread starting here for details (and a suggested gcc patch):-

#569 lfs-book@… jwrober@… duplicate Remove Lilo and add Grub

This is a milestone on the roadmap. I searched for a bug already, but could not find one.

#571 lfs-book@… gerard@… fixed Don't override default value for PAGE= during chapter 06-groff

The PAGE variable defaults to A4, so we don't need to override it. No matter what we do, part of the world will have to do something to change it, so might as well make the installation instructions as short as possible.

Do add a note about the PAGE variable, it defaulting to A4 and the option to override and set to LETTER for us on the American continents.

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