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Results (127 - 129 of 4874)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#591 jeremy@… lizardo@… fixed Grep-2.5.1 lacks description of its configure options

Grep-2.5.1 installation page on Chapter 5 is lacking descriptions for "--with-included-regex" and "--disable-perl-regexp" configure options. From the pure_lfs.txt hint: The "--with-included-regex" is needed so that all tests pass. Without this switch the regex code from glibc is used and as of glibc-2.3.1 that code is known to be a bit buggy. From LFS-BOOK 4.1: --disable-perl-regexp: This configure option makes sure grep is not linked against the PCRE library, which is often only available as a shared library in distributions. Not using this option might result in a compilation error.

#592 jeremy@… lizardo@… fixed NCurses-5.3 lacks description for its "--without-ada" configure option

NCurses-5.3 (Chapter 5) lacks description for its "--without-ada" configure option. From ./configure --help: --without-ada suppress check for Ada95, don't build demo

#593 greg@… greg@… fixed Write new section "About the test suites"

I would like to see this included. Something similar to what is written in the plfs hint. I'm thinking the best place for it might possibly be in Ch 2 just after "About $LFS" and "About SBUs". I will gladly write it. If anyone has any thoughts then please add them to this bug. Thanks.

Now, If I can just figure out how to assign this to me, I'll be just fine and dandy!

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