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Results (139 - 141 of 4874)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#673 jeremy@… ken@… fixed make does nothing in dejagnu

Specifically, make trolls into, and out of, two subdirectories, but it doesn't build anyhing, that's all left for `make install'

#675 greg@… lizardo@… fixed The book lacks descriptions for some command options

Here is a list of some options not described on the book: BOOK/chapter05/binutils-pass1-inst.xml: LIB_PATH=/tools/lib BOOK/chapter05/tcl-inst.xml: --with-tcl=/tools/lib --with-x=no BOOK/chapter05/gcc-pass2-inst.xml: --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-threads=posix --enable-cxa_atexit BOOK/chapter05/binutils-pass2-inst.xml: --with-lib-path=/tools/lib BOOK/chapter05/coreutils-inst.xml: RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes BOOK/chapter05/bash-inst.xml: --with-curses BOOK/chapter06/makedev-inst.xml: -v generic-nopty BOOK/chapter06/glibc-inst.xml: --remove-destination BOOK/chapter06/coreutils-inst.xml: make check-root BOOK/chapter06/less-inst.xml: --sysconfdir=/etc BOOK/chapter06/texinfo-inst.xml: TEXMF=/usr/share/texmf BOOK/chapter06/file-inst.xml: --datadir=/usr/share/misc BOOK/chapter06/man-inst.xml: -default Also, remove these descriptions, as they were already described previously: BOOK/chapter06/glibc-inst.xml: --disable-profile --enable-add-ons BOOK/chapter06/gcc-inst.xml (need to be moved to BOOK/chapter05/gcc-pass2-inst.xml): --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-threads=posix --enable-cxa_atexit BOOK/chapter06/inetutils-inst.xml (need to be moved to BOOK/chapter06/less-inst.xml): --sysconfdir=/etc

#676 jeremy@… lizardo@… fixed "mount --bind /dev/pts $LFS/dev/pts" does not work

The hack above, used if you don't have devpts enabled on kernel, does not work. I had to run "./MAKEDEV -v pty" to be able to successfully run Binutils testsuite.

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