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Results (142 - 144 of 4874)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#685 lfs-book@… bdubbs@… fixed Free space needed is too low

At the end of chapter 5, in the stripping sources section, we state

"You will now need to have at least 700 MB of free space on your LFS filesystem to be able to build and install Glibc in the next phase."

But my logs show Glibc taking 802608 KB. Recommend bumping this to 900 MB.

#687 lfs-book@… greg@… duplicate Prune the number of "kill" binaries installed

"kill" is a shell builtin so it doesn't matter most of the time. But some scripts will call /bin/kill so we need to have one there at least.

Three packages currently install "kill"

coreutils -> /usr/bin procps -> /bin util-linux -> /bin

I propose that we use the one from procps. The one from util-linux can be inhibited from installing by building it like so:

make HAVE_KILL=yes HAVE_SLN=yes

The one from coreutils can be removed by:

rm /usr/bin/kill

(similar to how we deal with /bin/groups from shadow).

Deal with this after 5.0 release.

#851 lfs-book@… jeroen@… wontfix Rework and extend kernel-related documentation

Specifically, discuss and integrate the collaborative work done on:

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