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Results (154 - 156 of 4874)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1508 archaic@… archaic@… fixed Chap5 binutils may require gettext

As Alexander pointed out, and I have confirmed, binutils requires gettext unless --disable-nls is passed. Since nls will *not* be used anyway in chap5, and since it avoids another dependency, this should go in. I have built testing with testing with testing using this flag with no problems.

#1510 archaic@… archaic@… fixed About the Included CD page still in trunk & testing

This page is still in trunk and testing. It should be commented out before release.

#1574 lfs-book@… manuel@… invalid How to meassure SBUs on Cross-LFS

Due that in the new cross-lfs books is possible to build the temp tools on a different machine than the final system, we can't use any more the first package builded in the book as SBU unit (the Cross Binutils at "Constructing Cross-Compile Tools". Well, actually the first in cross-lfs is Linux-Libc-Headers). Then, I see this roads: .- To remove SBUs. I don't agree but is a possibility. .- To use two SBUs: one for temp tools, based on Cross Binutils, and another for final system, based on ???? (see below). .- To remove SBUs for temp tools. Measure SBUs only for final system packages based on the build time for the first package builded after the reboot/chroot step. That is my preferred way. That package is Tcl installed in /tools. Currently in LFS-SVN the SBU for Tcl is 0.9. In BLFS-SVN is 0.28 + 0.73 for the test suite. Thus making mandatory to run the test suite on Tcl we can have a SBU unit very similar (if not identical) to the current one.

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