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Results (163 - 165 of 4874)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#2052 lfs-book@… James Rhodes invalid Replacing ld in "Adjusting the toolchain" causes ld to exit with error

Replacing ld in "Adjusting the toolchain" causes ld to exit with error "ld: cannot find -lc".

Not replacing ld with ld-new fixes this problem, and allows you to continue building (presumably, I'm not up to the building TCL step yet.)

#2099 lfs-book@… alexander@… fixed version check script should be run with LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE=C

The current version checking script uses the following to find the version of binutils:

echo -n "Binutils: "; ld --version | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f3-4

This is not locale-safe, as the field numbers in the translation may not match those in the original English message. This has already biten jhalfs user (on findutils, not binutils).

#2161 lfs-book@… alexander@… fixed Grub is incompatible with 256-byte inodes on ext3

This is a duplicate of

When starting LFS-6.3 build from a very new system (that has the latest e2fsprogs that make 265-byte inodes by default with mke2fs--I think that LFS SVN does expose the issue), one will not be able to install GRUB as a boot loader. The log is:

grub> root (hd0,0)
 Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83

grub> setup (hd0)
 Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no
 Checking if "/grub/stage1" exists... no

Error 2: Bad file or directory type.

There is a patch for GRUB to add such support:;filename=grub-support-256byte-inode.diff;att=1;bug=463123

This patch should be mentioned on the errata page for LFS-6.3. However, in order to avoid such bugs in the future, I would prefer for LFS-7.0 to switch to LILO that defers all filesystem operations to the kernel and thus is guaranteed to work with all future versions of {e2,anyother}fsprogs.

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