Custom Query (4881 matches)


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Results (187 - 189 of 4881)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#37 nomis80@… gerard@… fixed Fix the kernel header situation (again)

FHS compliance notes are added, but the main installation notes (that uses symlinks) will have to be changed again (see recent emails on lfs-discuss about it). It doesn't matter anymore whether we think it's right or wrong. LFS respects every package's installation instructions, that means if the kernel docs say not to do things the way we do things, then we should change our way of doing things.

The kernel docs happen to say that in the README file.

So main installation notes will be changed to the FHS compliance notes, which means the FHS compliance notes section can disappear from the book.

#47 lfs-book@… gimli@… fixed kbd-1.12

New data files (maybe an us keymap with deadkeys? :)

#49 lfs-book@… gerard@… fixed autoconf-2.59

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