Custom Query (4823 matches)


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Results (199 - 201 of 4823)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#178 gerard@… gerard@… fixed chapter8 - lilo

create something simple to automatically cp all the host distro's kernel images to $LFS/boot

this would work:

cp $(grep "image=" /etc/lilo.conf |cut -f 2 -d "=") $LFS/boot

#198 gerard@… gerard@… fixed sysklogd bootscripts passes -m 0 to syslogd

this should be mentioned somewhere. It's a customization that shouldn't just be done by default (=user preference thing we don't deal with anywhere else in the book)

#205 lfs-book@… gerard@… wontfix -malign-double problem

From: "Jean-Pierre Schwickerath" <email@…> To: "LFS-Dev" <lfs-dev@…> Subject: Fileutils Date: 30 Sep 2001 19:30:49 CEST

I had a kinda nasty experience after compiling fileutils shared. The rm command gave the following error: --snip-- root:/usr/src/packages/fileutils-4.1# cd .. root:/usr/src/packages# rm -rf fileutils-4.1/ rm: ERROR: the directory `fileutils-4.1' initially had device/inode numbers 2050/134523408, but now (after a chdir into it), the numbers for `.' are 2050/3221224556. That means that while rm was running, the directory was replaced with either another directory or a link to another directory. root:/usr/src/packages# --snap-- I first thought it was reiserfs that I was using for the 1st time and so I reformated the partition with ext2 and began from scratch again. I had the same error. Then I saw that I had -malign-double in my CFLAGS. I removed it, recompiled fileutils package and... it worked! Bash has a similar behaviour, when it's compiled with -malign-double, it says it ignores null-byte-files and then issues a seg fault. We might warn users about using -malign-double in the optimization hint or even the book...

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