Custom Query (4882 matches)


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Results (205 - 207 of 4882)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#234 gerard@… gerard@… worksforme Mandrake 8.1 may need xdvi so texinfo works properly during gcc's configure

See the following email for all the details:

From: Bernd Dau <Bernd@…> To: lfs-support@… Subject: Installing GCC-2.95.3 (Chap5) Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 19:36:00 +0100

#235 gimli@… gimli@… fixed PR_PROGRAM doesn't point to the correct pr in diffutils

Just a small one. Try using the -l option of diff to paginate the output. It fails. The variable PR_PROGRAM is defined as /bin/pr when it should be /usr/bin/pr

I suggest this modification:

make PR_PROGRAM=/usr/bin/pr

which makes it work.

#236 lfs-book@… gerard@… duplicate diffutils bug: make PR_PROGRAM=/usr/bin/pr

From: Greg Schafer <gschafer@…> To: lfs-dev@… Subject: diffutils - bug Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 10:54:06 +1100

Just a small one. Try using the -l option of diff to paginate the output. It fails. The variable PR_PROGRAM is defined as /bin/pr when it should be /usr/bin/pr I suggest this modification: make PR_PROGRAM=/usr/bin/pr which makes it work.

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