Custom Query (4882 matches)


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Results (211 - 213 of 4882)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#281 lfs-book@… gerard@… wontfix /etc/mtab symlink creation

It's in the beginning of chapter 6 now. Pending lfs-dev outcome I'd like to see this moved to the end "configuring essential software". Don't discuss the reason for (not) doing it here, but in the proper thread on the lfs-dev list

#283 gerard@… markh@… fixed man.conf location

currently man.conf ends up in /usr/share/man/man.conf

In my reading of the FHS it should be in /etc/man.conf really. IMO we should add an FHS compliance note on how to do that here (as we do for various other packages)

#286 gerard@… gerard@… fixed Shorten kernel install in chapter 05

the version.h can be created by: make include/linux/version.h

the asm symlink: make symlinks

Check to see if there's anything else that needs (most likely Glibc needs something)

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