Custom Query (4882 matches)


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Results (223 - 225 of 4882)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#424 lfs-book@… gerard@… fixed e2fsprogs install-info command may be superfluous

#449 lfs-book@… gerard@… fixed man format patch

Will fix the man page formatting (the part where it gets stuck at 80 cols even if your screen is larger than 80 cols)

#450 lfs-book@… gerard@… invalid bin86 installation change

bin86: It seems for me better to change the installation instructions from

make && make PREFIX=/usr install


make PREFIX=/usr && make PREFIX=/usr install

as 'make' will perform a sed command in the 'as' subdir (for as86_encap) replacing the BINDIR and LIBDIR tokens by the default path of PREFIX (which is /usr/local). A later PREFIX set for 'make install' won't change the script anymore, only the installation place.

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