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Results (226 - 228 of 4882)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#451 lfs-book@… petri@… fixed Zlib Official Download Location is outdated

New official download location for zlib is

You can't read this from

#452 lfs-book@… petri@… duplicate Texinfo-4.3 is available, please upgrade

#453 lfs-book@… markh@… wontfix Point out that 2.4 kernel headers should probably be used even if a 2.2 kernel is going to be used

Point out that 2.4 kernel headers should probably be used even if a 2.2 kernel is going to be used.

I've just been speaking to mjt_ on #lfs (well, a private conversation) and he ran into problems with util-linux because 2.2 doesn't seem to define RAW_MAJOR in linux/major.h

I think we should point out that it's best to build everything against the newest kernel headers even if you intend to use an older kernel. (For the record, I advised him to wipe the chapter 6 stuff and re-do it using 2.4 headers; there should've been no need to redo ch5 however)

This may need to go to lfs-dev to check that I'm correct first but I think it's a non-obvious point which may need adding (and not just for 'newbies' - as I know we're taking a lot of handholding out of the book).

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