Custom Query (4881 matches)


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Results (232 - 234 of 4881)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#464 lfs-book@… behummon@… fixed book still mentions yacc script

#466 lfs-book@… lfsbugs@… invalid GCC compiled with --enable-__cxa_atexit causes segfaults in uic (part -f qt)

I was unabl;e to compile KDElibs3.1RC5, the user interface compiler, part of QT, segfaulted when it exited. Solution was to recompile gcc without --enable-cxa_atexit, then glibc, then Xwindows. After that, everything went smoothly. I suggest removal of the option in the upcoming lfs book.

#468 lfs-book@… dloz@… invalid Revised chroot command

The revised chroot command added at the end of chapter 6 doesnt seem to work. I believe this is due to the fact that when sh-utils is installed it installs env in /usr/bin and that command is looking for it in /bin

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