Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#4785 closed task (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: lfs-book
Priority: normal Milestone: 10.1
Component: Book Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago


    Upcoming changes

For consistency with planned changes to POSIX, the semantics of 'find -mount'
may be different from that of 'find -xdev' in future releases.

    Noteworthy changes in release 4.8.0 (2020-01-09) [stable]

        Changes in xargs

'xargs -t' no longer outputs a trailing blank to stderr after the last argument
of each constructed command line to be executed.  [#57291]

xargs now warns when more than one of the conflicting options --max-lines (-L,
-l), --replace (-i/-I) and --max-args (-n) are specified on the command line.

        Bug Fixes

find no longer crashes when an XFS filesystem is heavily changed during the run.
Discussed at: <>

find -used works again.  This predicate was not working properly since adding
the support for sub-second timestamp resolution for various predicates in
FINDUTILS_4_3_3-1 back in 2007.
Discussed at: <>


'find -D exec' now diagnoses all -exec, -execdir, -ok and -okdir runs including
the call arguments and the exit code of the launched process. [#59083]

        Documentation Changes

The documentation of 'find -printf %Ak' has been improved: it now refers to the
strftime(3) documentation for a complete list of supported conversion
specifiers, and documents the 'F' conversion specifier ('yyyy-mm-dd').

The man pages (find.1, locate.1, locatedb.5, updatedb.1, and xargs.1) now
consistently end with the sections "REPORTING BUGS", "COPYRIGHT" and "SEE ALSO",
with the latter referring to the online page on the GNU web server.

The "EXAMPLES" section in the find.1 man page now shows the examples in a better
structure and uses consistent formatting.

Various man page fixes - syntax issues and typos.
[#59745, #59330, #59012, #58193, #57807, #57775]

Other documentation changes:

#58654: doc: clarify that 'find -perm +MODE' is unrelated to umask

#58458: doc: improve section 'Hard links', especially fix the description
        regarding 'find -L -samefile FILE'.

#58205: find.1: clarify double dash '--' option

#58149: 'xargs --help' now mentions that --replace (-I, -i) splits the input
        at newline characters.

#57025: doc: enhance description of tests accepting numeric arguments in find.1
        [see also #49640].

#54730: Add additional valuable example of find -quit

#48135: Fix testsuite error on Hurd and BSD related to ln

#35253: Clarify descriptions of -printf %f, %h.

        Changes to the build process

The configure option --without-fts has been removed.  The attempt to use
it stopped configure with an error message since 4.5.18 (2015) anyway. 

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed at r12097

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