Opened 5 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#14029 closed enhancement (fixed)

GNOME 3.38 External Libraries

Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 10.1
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


This megaticket is for the packages contained outside of GNOME Libraries. This includes glib, amtk, tepl, glib-networking, libsoup, and several others.

Change History (45)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtkGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala

Add vala

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk valaGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg

Add tepl and librsvg

comment:4 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvgGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk

Add webkitgtk

comment:5 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtkGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib

Add json-glib and glib-networking

comment:6 by Xi Ruoyao, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glibGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy

Add libhandy. It's moved to, and the download location is now

comment:7 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandyGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzle

As discussed in #14032, a development version of libdazzle is needed for epiphany (3.37.1). However, I hope that they release a 3.38 before I start working on this on Wednesday (the official GNOME 3.38 release date).

comment:8 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzleGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzle gobject-introspection pygobject at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi2

Speaking of libdazzle, there is now a 3.38!

Add the following packages:







comment:9 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzle gobject-introspection pygobject at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi2GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzle gobject-introspection pygobject3 at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi

Update title to satisfy currency script

comment:10 by Xi Ruoyao, 5 years ago

An alert: make sure to remove glib-2.64 headers before installation of glib-2.66. Or gobject-introspection-1.66 will FTBFS. See

comment:11 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

I think a warning in the glib page would suffice, but I'd like Pierre's advice when he returns since I don't want to cause problems for jhalfs

comment:12 by Bruce Dubbs, 5 years ago

I don't think there is an issue other than the use of about 5M of space (1.2 MB if stripped). For linking, is used and at runtime is used. Both point to the latest version. The older version is just there, but unused.

comment:13 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzle gobject-introspection pygobject3 at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspiGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzle gobject-introspection pygobject3 at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi libsoup

Add libsoup

comment:14 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzle gobject-introspection pygobject3 at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi libsoupGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzle gobject-introspection pygobject3 at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi libsoup adwaita-icon-theme

Add adwaita-icon-theme

comment:15 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzle gobject-introspection pygobject3 at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi libsoup adwaita-icon-themeGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzle gobject-introspection pygobject3 at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi libsoup adwaita-icon-theme libgudev

Add libgudev

comment:16 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago


One highlight of this release is Y2038 fixes.


Overview of changes in GLib 2.65.1

* Add `GUri` API for parsing, building and representing URIs according to
  [RFC 3986]( (work by Marc-André Lureau) (#110)

* Fix handling of xattr data with embedded nuls (#422)

* Add `g_file_set_contents_full()` which gives more control over fsyncs (#1302)

* Fix cross-compilation on iOS (work by Nirbheek Chauhan) (#1868)

* Add a `x-gvfs-notrash` option to disable trash on certain mounts (work by Ondrej Holy) (!1549)

* Support ‘slim’ TZif files generated with `zic -b slim` (work by Paul Eggert) (#2129)

* Support emitting profiling marks from `GMainContext` to sysprof capture files (!1551)

* Accept IPv6 zone IDs in `g_hostname_is_ip_address()` (work by Marc-André Lureau) (!1604)

* Bugs fixed:
 - #4 Include a UTF-8 safe escaping function
 - #110 Basic URI operations
 - #137 display_name should be always available
 - #250 GTestCase's setup/teardown functions appear pointless
 - #272 allow thread pools to adjust the number of threads to the number of cpu's/cores
 - #422 Wrong assumption in libgio GFileInfo on xattr/acl string: it may contain binary data.
 - #858 glib2 @2.40.0 issues a "Got weird mach timebase info" error (Macports, PPC)
 - #1022 g_object_new Should Mention That it Zeroes Out Private Struct
 - #1200 Make g_assert_null/nonnull clang static analyzer friendly
 - #1203 Add a variant of g_file_set_contents() which accepts file mode
 - #1288 gmacros: Introduce non-public G_CLANG_ANALYZER_NORETURN macro
 - #1302 g_file_set_contents() can fill target with NUL bytes if it did not previously exist
 - #1670 ThreadSanitizer data races
 - #1764 cancellable test: on_mock_operation_ready: assertion failed (iterations_requested > iterations_done): (10 > 10)
 - #1868 iOS cross compile impossible due to frexpl check not supporting cross compilation
 - #1869 iOS doesn't have Cocoa, which thankfully isn't a requirement of this code that supposedly requires it
 - #1982 GSocketAddressEnumerator documentation is inconsistent with existing usage
 - #2127 Spurious GIO module initialization on Fedora Silverblue (and other ostree-based systems?)
 - #2129 date_time bugs after 2038, or with today's date and 'zic -b slim' TZif files
 - #2132 Valgrind reports "still reachable" after g_thread_pool_new/free
 - #2136 Valgrind reports "still reachable" after g_option_context_parse
 - #2140 calling malloc in fork child is undefined-behaviour
 - #2141 g_value_copy is was recently broken
 - #2149 Make G_URI_FLAGS_PARSE_STRICT the default
 - #2156 Merge _g_uri_parse_authority() into GUri
 - #2159 Thread-unsafe initialization in gportalsupport.c
 - #2160 More guri regressions
 - #2165 More guri breakage
 - #2166 g_uri_build() functions should accept a NULL scheme
 - !1328 guri: new URI parsing and generating functions
 - !1527 Add g_tls_connection_get_channel_binding_data call and enums
 - !1534 Various GLocalFile fixes related to the filesystem::remote attribute
 - !1546 tree: Fix various ableist language
 - !1549 Add support to ignore trash for certain mounts
 - !1551 Add initial sysprof support
 - !1553 gtestutils: Mark that g_assert_whatever() macros do not normally return
 - !1554 GUri build fixes
 - !1555 Remove c-format from the string that is not c-formatted
 - !1556 fuzzing: Another fix for g_uri_parse() test
 - !1557 A few g_uri_parse_params() improvements
 - !1559 Fix buffer read overflows in GUri
 - !1561 gconvert: Use a pointer array in extract_uris
 - !1563 gdesktopappinfo: Fix unnecessarily copied and leaked URI list
 - !1564 tests: limit number of threads to something reasonable.
 - !1570 Reduce CI bandwidth requirements
 - !1572 Add GUriParamsIter
 - !1576 gtask: Only override g_task_set_source_tag() for GLib ≥ 2.60
 - !1577 uri: add illegal_characters argument to unescape_bytes
 - !1578 tests: Add tests for RFC 8536 v3 parsing of time zones
 - !1579 glib: Use g_getenv everywhere instead of getenv
 - !1582 appinfo: Add properties
 - !1583 gio: Remove broken support for XP
 - !1590 Use CI schedules and DAGs
 - !1591 gfileutils: Fix O_NOFOLLOW handling on BSD systems
 - !1594 GFile: Document that G_FILE_CREATE_REPLACE_DESTINATION can only be used with...
 - !1595 uri: add ENCODED_PATH & ENCODED_FRAGMENT flags
 - !1599 uri: do not add ipv6 brackets on non-ip host
 - !1600 uri: do not encode ':' and ';' from userinfo
 - !1601 timezone: Fix an uninitialized use
 - !1602 Revert "Merge branch 'appinfo-properties' into 'master'"
 - !1604 Make g_hostname_is_ip_address() accept ipv6 zoneid
 - !1609 Fix multiple typos in guri.c
 - !1611 guri: Always prepend `//` to the host when building a URI
 - !1612 guri: Document and check restrictions on path prefixes

* Translation updates:
 - Catalan
 - Kazakh
 - Lithuanian
 - Romanian
 - Slovenian
 - Spanish
 - Ukrainian


Overview of changes in GLib 2.65.2

* Support `statx()` and `G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_CREATED` (work by Andre Miranda) (#1970)

* Fix deadlock in `g_subprocess_communicate_async()` (work by Alexander Larsson) (#2182)

* Add `%f`/microsecond placeholder support to `g_date_time_format()` (work by Johan Bjäreholt) (!1605)

* Bugs fixed:
 - #5 g_new0 performance
 - #1970 Make G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_CREATED support stx_btime
 - #2176 Inconsistent introspection annotations for g_input_stream_read and g_socket_receive
 - #2182 g_subprocess_communicate_async() can deadlock when writing
 - !1593 CI support for Coverity Scan
 - !1605 gdatetime: Add %f format specifier and microsecond precision to g_date_time_format_iso8601
 - !1613 gfile: Document TOCTTOU avoidance using g_file_delete()
 - !1615 docs: glib-compile-resources: json-stripblanks
 - !1616 gioerror: Map WSAENETRESET on Windows to G_IO_ERROR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
 - !1619 Minor Coverity fixes
 - !1620 gvariant: Ensure GVS.depth is initialised
 - !1622 gdatetime: Widen a variable before multiplication
 - !1623 gcancellable: Assert that make_pollfd() call succeeds
 - !1624 gdbusaddress: Drop an unnecessary NULL check
 - !1625 gdbusmessage: Drop redundant uint ≥ 0 checks

* Translation updates:
 - French
 - Galician
 - Greek, Modern (1453-)
 - Indonesian
 - Romanian
 - Spanish
 - Turkish
 - Ukrainian


Overview of changes in GLib 2.65.3

* Fixes to the new `statx()` calls — note that since GLib 2.65.2 uses `statx()`
  (if available) instead of `stat()`/`fstat()`/`lstat()`/`fstatat()`, syscall
  sandboxing for third party applications might need to be updated

* Bugs fixed:
 - #2189 g_file_query_info on ro file system: Numerical result out of range
 - #2191 Calling nice(20) can lead to thread related warnings
 - #2197 Segfaulting Integer Overflow in g_option_group_add_entries
 - !1025 Big o notations
 - !1626 gio: Document g_settings_new() missing schema behaviour
 - !1627 gthread: Add a sysprof mark for thread creation
 - !1628 Replace a bunch of fallthrough comments with an attribute
 - !1631 Fix splice behavior on cancellation
 - !1632 Fixing signedness warning in glib/gfileutils.c
 - !1635 gcancellable: Mark a variable as unused if built with G_DISABLE_ASSERT

* Translation updates:
 - Basque
 - Catalan
 - Chinese (China)
 - Czech
 - English (United Kingdom)
 - Friulian
 - German
 - Japanese
 - Kazakh
 - Korean
 - Lithuanian
 - Polish
 - Portuguese (Brazil)
 - Slovenian

The sandboxing changes above could potentially break other applications, such as bubblewrap

comment:17 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago


1.66.0 - 2020-09-12

* Support the gtk-doc action syntax :mr:`203`
* Meson fixes with glib and/or g-i is a subproject :mr:`206` :mr:`208`
* GITypeInfo storage type utility API :mr:`205`
* Meson: Fix build as subproject :mr:`214`
* Fixing XDG_DATA_DIRS logic :mr:`215`
* libgirepository: Add a couple missing nullable annotations :mr:`217` :mr:`225`
* dumper: Fix missing symbols in LTO case or with overridden symbol visibility settings :mr:`216`
* Documentation improvements: :mr:`220` :mr:`232`
* Remove old autoconf fallback code for the python tools :mr:`221`
* meson: Rename option `gi_cross_use_{host -> prebuilt}_gi` mr:`211`
* meson: Don't override finding executables when using pre-built tools. :mr:`212`
* meson: gir: add a dependency for g-ir-compiler for building .girs :mr:`228`
* meson: Use pkgconfig generator :mr:`207`
* Fix gi-dump-types.c to build on Windows :mr:`218`
* giscanner: parse block comments for members and fields :mr:`230`
* Add the notion of standalone doc sections :mr:`226`
* giscanner: Add support for using clang-cl :mr:`234`
* giscanner: Fix section matching for documentation :mr:`237`
Last edited 5 years ago by Douglas R. Reno (previous) (diff)

comment:18 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



Vala 0.49.1
 * Highlights:
  - Use defintions of public header in internal header if available
    and drop --use-header compiler option and enable it by default [#713]
  - gdbus: Use GDBusProxy API to set `g-interface-info` at initialization time
  - Check vfunc of abstract/virtual methods and property accessors for NULL
    before using it [#153]
  - Check coverage of switch on enum-type and issue warnings if needed [#777]
  - Map empty start/end index to 0/length for slice expressions [#238]
  - Add support for "with" statement (mark them experiemental) [#327]
  - Use inheritted scopes of base-types/prerequisites to resolve symbols [#54]
 * Various improvements and bug fixes:
  - codegen:
    + Add implicit parameter and instance checks in async method [#1005]
    + Make use of CCode.cname for label name of CatchClause
  - vala:
    + Move setting of target profile and standard packages into CodeContext
    + Remove some public API from expressions and statements
    + Add Expression.is_always_true/false() helpers
    + Add InvalidExpression as replacement for erroneous nodes instead
    + Don't loose invalid_syntax when copying array type for variables [#942]
  - girparser: Strip "Enum"-suffix only from enumeration
  - girwriter: Internal fields/vfuncs in type-symbols are public in C [#513]
  - libvaladoc: Remove unused Api.Class.get_finalize_function_name() API
  - testrunner: Add more -Werror=* flags

 * Bindings:
  - gio-unix-2.0: Fix "g_unix_mount_for" binding [#1052]
  - glib-2.0,gio-2.0,gobject-2.0: Updates for 2.66
  - glib-2.0: data of GLib.Bytes is allowed to be null
  - glib-2.0: Add more explicit type_id attributes for various symbols
  - gstreamer: Update from 1.17.2+ git master
  - gtk4: Update to 3.99.0+d743e757
  - pango: Update from 1.45.2
  - vapi: Update GIR-based bindings


Vala 0.49.2
 * Highlights:
  - Support non-virtual signals with default handler [#1056]

 * Various improvements and bug fixes:
  - codegen: Include header for base-symbols when connecting vfuncs
  - vala:
    + Inherit CCode.returns_floating_reference attribute from base [#1053]
    + Mark tranformed member-access as qualified [#57]
    + Switch context if with-variable is not owned by with-statement [#1043]
  - girparser: Add support for string "feature_test_macro" metadata

 * Bindings:
  - gio-2.0: Include "gio/gsettingsbackend.h" for GLib.SettingsBackend
    members [#1054]
  - goocanvas-2.0: Fix some field ownerships and types [#1057]
  - gstreamer: Update from 1.17.2+ git master
  - gtk4: Update to 3.99.0+358b698e
  - pango: Update from 1.45.4+
  - posix: Add missing "has_typedef" attribute for some delegates
  - posix: Declare WRDE_APPEND constant as public
  - vapi: Update GIR-based bindings


Vala 0.49.90
 * Regression and bug fixes:
  - Revert "girwriter: Use appropriate get_ccode_* functions" [#1059]
  - tests: Don't rely on undefined use-after-free behaviour of glibc
  - Add TraverseVisitor for traversing the tree with a callback
  - Force usage of temporary variables for "tainted" member accesses [#1061]
  - vala: Move transformation of unary increment/decrement to codegen
  - vala: Set parent_node for child nodes of lambda-expression [#1062]

 * Bindings:
  - gstreamer: Update from 1.17.2+ git master
  - gtk4: Update to 3.99.0+e6e2d6b4
  - pango: Update from 1.46.0
  - webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.29.91


Vala 0.49.91
 * Various improvements and bug fixes:
  - codegen: Don't append unreachable clean-up section of Block [#169] [#838]
  - codegen: Always include base_struct declaration if available [#464]
  - vala: Additionally break on ObjectCreationExpression in "tainted" check
  - vala: Add ObjectCreationExpression.to_string()
  - manual: Update from

 * Bindings:
  - gio-unix-2.0,glib-2.0: Updates for 2.66
  - gtk4: Resolve a few conflicts of methods with virtual-methods


Vala 0.49.92
 * Various improvements and bug fixes:
  - Don't use locale dependent string functions on syntax strings [#1067]
  - girparser: Additionally fallback to "glib:type-name" to retrieve the cname
  - libvaladoc/girimporter:
    + Fallback to "name" for callback
    + Fallback to "glib:type-name" for class, interface and record
    + Improve parse_symbol_doc() and don't use parse_doc()
    + Skip "attribute" elements
  - libvaladoc/gtkdoc-importer:
    + Correctly retrieve "url" from "ulink" elements
    + Don't let parse_block_taglet() return null

 * Bindings:
  - gtk4: Update to 3.99.1
  - vapi: Update GIR-based bindings


Vala 0.50.0
 * Various improvements and bug fixes:
  - codegen: The actual struct size is required for calloc (POSIX) [#1068]

 * Bindings:
  - gstreamer: Update from 1.18.0+ git master
  - poppler-glib: Update to 20.09.0
  - vapi: Update GIR-based bindings

comment:19 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

For glib2 (see comment 10), we'll add text like so:

"If a previous version of glib is installed, move the header files out of the way so that later packages do not encounter conflicts."

"[ -e /usr/include/glib-2.0 ] && mv -vf /usr/include/glib-2.0{,.old}"

comment:20 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



        * Clarify that _get_sysfs_attr() functions are cached
        * Add functions to get uncached sysfs attributes

comment:21 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - glib amtk vala tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzle gobject-introspection pygobject3 at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi libsoup adwaita-icon-theme libgudevGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - amtk tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzle pygobject3 at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi libsoup adwaita-icon-theme





Updated at r23719

comment:22 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



Overview of changes for 1.6
• Add getters with default fallback for JsonObject [Emmanuele Bassi]
• #26 - Clarify some expections of the json_object_get_*_member APIs [Debarshi Ray]
• #29 - Improve reproducibility of the build [Ravish Bhatia]
• Use json_node_unref() with g_autoptr() [Robert Ancell]
• Clarify documentation regarding programmer errors [Philip Withnall]
• Fix getting immutable root nodes from empty input [Philip Withnall]
• Fix various memory leaks [Philip Withnall, Emmanuele Bassi]
• Add `--output` option to json-glib-format [Emmanuele Bassi]
• Refresh the build [Emmanuele Bassi]
• Add glib as a fallback sub-project [Xavier Claessens]
• Don't error with MSVC C4819 warning [Seungha Yang]
• Fix nullable annotation [Niels De Graef]
• Allow disabling tests when building [Stéphane Cerveau]
• #39 - Fix default deserialization method for JsonSerializable [Jeremy Philippe]
• Stop string to GVariant conversion failing due to unrelated errno changes [Robert Ancell]
• Support loading files via memory mapping [Philip Withnall]
• #33 - Add a symbol version to all exported symbols [Simon McVittie]
• #48 - Fix build with Clang 11 [Dimitry Andric]
• Stop using deprecated g_object_newv() constructor [Emmanuele Bassi]
• Add ordered iteration to JsonObjectIter [Emmanuele Bassi]
• #46 - Document nullability of `json_from_string()` [Emmanuele Bassi]
• #45 - Properly detect multiple top-level statements [Emmanuele Bassi]
• #41, #22 - Fix library versions on Darwin [Tom Schoonjans]

1.6 has the same release notes as above

comment:23 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago


NOTE: This version drops Python2 support. I've removed the python2 version of pygobject3 from my system, and I'm going to rebuild the following consumers:

general/graphlib/gegl.xml:      <xref linkend="pygobject3"/>
general/genlib/libical.xml:      <xref linkend="pygobject3"/> (for some tests)
general/sysutils/udisks2.xml:      <xref linkend="pygobject3"/> (for the integration tests),
general/sysutils/upower.xml:      <xref linkend="pygobject3"/>,
general/sysutils/dbus.xml:      <xref linkend="pygobject3"/>,
general/genutils/ibus.xml:      <xref linkend="pygobject3"/> (both to build the Python support library),
general/prog/pyatspi2.xml:        <xref linkend="pygobject3"/>
general/prog/dbus-python.xml:        <xref linkend="pygobject3"/> and
gnome/applications/gnome-tweaks.xml:      <xref linkend="pygobject3"/>, and
gnome/platform/libsecret.xml:      <xref linkend="pygobject3"/> (Python 3 module)
gnome/platform/libpeas.xml:      <xref linkend="pygobject3"/>
networking/netutils/networkmanager.xml:      <xref linkend="pygobject3"/>,
postlfs/editors/gedit.xml:      <xref linkend="pygobject3"/>
xsoft/office/gnumeric.xml:      <xref linkend="pygobject3"/>,

Release Notes

3.38.0 - 2020-09-12

* Python 2 is no longer supported.

  Note for distros/packagers:
      In case you want to keep Python 2 support you'll likely split any existing
      package into a Python 2 and 3 version. Since these aren't parallel installable
      here are some recommendations on how to make it work:

      * Build the devel package from the Python 3 source package
      * Drop the headers/.pc files from the Python 2 build/package
      * Make sure no Python 2 using package depends on the devel package
        (@Arch: gnumeric can be build without Python support for example)

      See :issue:`392` for details

* meson: Make the `pycairo` option a feature :mr:`146` :mr:`147`
* gdk overrides: Fix wrapping of scroll events :mr:`141`
* Add overrides for Gtk.Button set/get_focus_on_click :mr:`132`

comment:24 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - amtk tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking json-glib libhandy libdazzle pygobject3 at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi libsoup adwaita-icon-themeGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - amtk tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking libhandy libdazzle at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi libsoup adwaita-icon-theme



done at r23737. Minor modifications had to be made to a few packages to maintain compatibility.

comment:25 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



Version 3.37.0

Changes in this release:

 • Fixes for powerpc32
 • Tweaks for CSS priorities
 • Add DzlApplicationWindow:titlebar-animation property
 • Fix C++ compilation
 • Make showing file browser asynchronous on Linux/BSD/etc


Version 3.38.0

No changes since 3.37.1

comment:26 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - amtk tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking libhandy libdazzle at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi libsoup adwaita-icon-themeGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - amtk tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking libhandy at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi libsoup adwaita-icon-theme

libdazzle-3.38.0 done at r23748

comment:27 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



2.65.1 - July 2, 2020

 - Fix peer-certificate[-errors] props set too soon (#127)
 - Implement ALPN for OpenSSL backend (!126, Ruslan Marchenko)
 - Fix Windows build (!127, Cun-wei Fan)


2.65.90 - August 6, 2020

 - Many fixes to OpenSSL backend (!128, RUslan Marchenko)


2.66.0 - September 11, 2020

- Updated translations

comment:28 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



Changes in libsoup from 2.70.0 to 2.71.0:

	* Redesign directory list returned for `file://` requests [Jan-Michael Brummer]


	* Add soup_message_is_feature_disabled() API [Carlos Garcia Campos]

	* Fix potential leak when setting SoupSession:tls-interaction [Scott Hutton]

	* Fix building with Visual Studio [Chun-wei Fan]

	* Updated translations: Ukrainian, Romanian, Swedish, Polish, Lithuanian, Spanish,
	                        French, Chinese (China)


Changes in libsoup from 2.71.0 to 2.71.1:

	* Add support for 308 Premanent Redirect [Benjamin Kaufmann]

	* Add basic sysprof profiling for HTTP messages [Philip Withnall]

	* Various build fixes [Tom Schoonjans, Chun-wei Fan]

	* Updated translations: Korean, Finnish, Czech, Catalan, Croatian, Slovenian,
	                        Japanese, Serbian, Galician, Basque, Trukish, Indonesian,


Changes in libsoup from 2.71.1 to 2.72.0:

	* Fix critical after cancelling a message that failed auth [Carlos Garcia Campos]

	* Updated translations: Portuguese, Latvian, Italian, German, Hungarian

comment:29 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



Version 2.49.0

- Memory consumption of parsed SVG data is greatly reduced.  Property
  values, path data, and text nodes now use much less memory than
  before.  Thanks to Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff and Adam Reichold for
  their contributions.

- With that reduction in memory consumption, librsvg can now load up
  to 1 million XML elements.  This is a hard limit to avoid malicious
  files consuming arbitrary amounts of memory.

- #508 - radialGradient now supports the "fr" property from SVG2
  (Dunja Lalic, Corentin Rossignon).

- Sven Neumann has written a fantastic test suite for rsvg-convert(1).
  Now we can modify this program with confidence.

- Many, many cleanups (Paolo Borelli).

- #594 - Only compute locale information for elements that need it.

- As usual, thanks to Bastien Orivel for keeping dependent crates updated.

- Fix Windows builds without PangoFT2.

- Benchmarks of internal functions work now.  You can run "cargo bench"
  in librsvg/ and rsvg_internals/.


Version 2.49.1

- (#604) - Fix build on big-endian machines.  Thanks to Daniel Kolesa
  for testing this repeatedly.


Version 2.49.2

- Fix failing tests.


Version 2.49.3

- #34 - The 'font' shorthand in is now supported in CSS.  Librsvg
  ignores the 'line-height' sub-property because it cannot be done
  easily with Pango, but everything else in 'font' should work now.

- #605 - Compute 'bolder' and 'lighter' font-weight correctly.

- #219 - Make the path parser have a tokenizer/parser (Emile Snyder).

- Fixes for the CI after the changes (Jordan Petridis).

- Fixed some typos in the documentation (codespell is awesome!).


Version 2.49.4

- Support ARM64 Windows builds (Chun-wei Fan).

- #165 - Draw zero-length paths with square caps correctly (Bastien Orivel).

- #568 - Support href attribute in addition to xlink:href per SVG2.

- #560 - Ignore missing filter references per SVG2.

- #609 - Support the transform attribute again in clipPath (Sven Neumann).

- Update Criterion benchmarks (Ernestas Kulik).

- Update to newer dependencies (Bastien Orivel).

- Many style fixes per cargo-clippy (Dunja Lalic, Sven Neuman).


Version 2.49.5

- #607 - Support the mix-blend-mode property from SVG2 and the
  Compositing and Blending Level 1 specification, so layers can be
  composited with operators like multiply/screen/color-burn, etc. (John Ledbetter).

- #473 - Support the paint-order property from SVG2, so one can pick
  the order in which a path's fill/stroke/markers are drawn (John Ledbetter).

- Cleanups of the basic drawing and paint-handling code (Paolo Borelli).

- Many style fixes per cargo-clippy (Sven Neumann).

- Improved documentation on the library's internals.


Version 2.50.0

- The following is a summary of changes between 2.48.x and 2.50.0.  For
  full details, please see the 2.49.x release notes below.

- This release requires at least Rust 1.40.

- Windows builds now support ARM64, thanks to Chun-wei Fan.

- Librsvg now consumes much less memory for large SVG files.  The limit for
  the maximum number of elements in an SVG is bigger now at 1 million
  elements (this limit exists to avoid unbounded memory consumption by
  maliciously large files, and is plenty to render even very detailed
  maps).  Thanks to Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff and Adam Reichold for making
  this possible.

- #34 - The 'font' shorthand in is now supported in CSS.  Librsvg
  ignores the 'line-height' sub-property because it cannot be done
  easily with Pango, but everything else in 'font' should work now.

- Many new features from SVG2:

- #508 - radialGradient now supports the "fr" property from SVG2
  (Dunja Lalic, Corentin Rossignon).

- #568 - Support href attribute in addition to xlink:href per SVG2.

- #560 - Ignore missing filter references per SVG2.

- #607 - Support the mix-blend-mode property from SVG2 and the
  Compositing and Blending Level 1 specification, so layers can be
  composited with operators like multiply/screen/color-burn, etc. (John Ledbetter).

- #473 - Support the paint-order property from SVG2, so one can pick
  the order in which a path's fill/stroke/markers are drawn (John Ledbetter).

- Many bug fixes and little optimizations; see the 2.49.x release notes for
  details.  Thanks to Paolo Borelli, Daniel Kolesa, Ernestas Kulik.
  Sven Neumann, Bastien Orivel, Jordan Petridis, Emile Snyder.

- Special thanks to Sven Neumann for fixing all the cargo-clippy lints.

comment:30 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



  - symbolic: night light metaphor (issue 76)
  - symbolic: larger expanders (gtk#2656)
  - scripts -- rendrable with inkscape 1.0 (issue 57)


  - inkscape 1.0 based rendering (issue 87)
  - build system fixes
  - fullcolor: removable media
  - remove legacy fullcolor weather icons

3.38.0 has the same changes at 3.37.92

comment:31 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - amtk tepl librsvg webkitgtk glib-networking libhandy at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi libsoup adwaita-icon-themeGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - amtk tepl webkitgtk libhandy at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspi





Fixed at r23752

comment:32 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



News in 5.2.0, 2020-09-10
* Translation updates.

comment:33 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



What's new in at-spi2-core 2.37.90:

* Add a mode-changed signal to allow a screen reader to indicate
  that its mode has changed.

* Fix use after free when a device listener is destroyed (#22).

* Meson: de-duplicate deps of 'Requires' in pkgconfig file (!28).

* FIx use after free when an event listener is destroyed.

* Make at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop validate (!30).

* atspi_accessible_set_cache_mask: relax assert that was generating a
  warning and causing the function to fail in some cases.

* Fixes for synthesizing keys.

* Fix Qt annotations in DBus xml files.

* Memory test: replace gedit with a light-weight test application.

* dbtest: print to stdout instead of stderr.

* Tests: make test a bit verbose.

* Constants: fix typos in two _COUNT constants.


What's new in at-spi2-core 2.37.92:

* Fix a possible memory leak if an event name cannot be parsed.

* _atspi_dbus_set_interfaces: fix memory leak when called with an invalid
  DBus signature.

* Fix a crash if an event listener is removed during an event callback.

The git log shows no changes after the commit releasing 2.37.92.

comment:34 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



What's new in at-spi2-atk 2.37.90:

* Add support for the new mark and suggestion roles (!21).

* Meson: add tests option (!22).

No changes after 2.37.90 according to the commit log in Gitlab.

comment:35 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



What's new in pyatspi 2.37.90:

* Tests: use libatspi's dbus-gmain implementation, eliminating
  dependency on dbus-glib (!4).

* Migrate to gtk 3 (!23).

* Add support for the mode-changed signal (!24).

No other changes for 2.38.0

comment:36 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



News in 4.7.90, 2020-08-07
* Bump GTK requirement to 3.24 for gdk_window_move_to_rect()
* Use gdk_window_move_to_rect() to more reliably position completion windows
* erb.lang: initial support for ERB
* javascript.lang, typescript.lang: various correctness and performance
* Translation updates


News in 4.8.0, 2020-09-12
* Translation updates

comment:37 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



Version 0.81.0

- Migrated the project to
  - Archived the project at
  - Updated URLs and email addresses across the project.
  - Switch the CI to use GNOME's.
  - Build and publish the nightly reference manual via GitLab Pages at
- Make the reference manual and the Glade catalog parallel-installable
  with libhandy 0.0.
- Add a Python override to ensure the library is initialized on import.
- Themes:
  - Add the HighContrast theme.
  - Split the shared theme into the fallback theme whose style can be
    overridden by other themes, and the shared theme whose style
    overrides the themes.
  - Move window corners from the shared theme to Adwaita, so elementary
    can do what they want.
  - Make the leaflet and deck drop shadows darker for dark variants and
    HighContrast, to ensure it's visible.
  - Drop the .h4 fallback to avoid conflicts with .heading. Themes are
    now expected to implement .heading, or optionally .h4.
  - Fix list.preferences nested list bottom corner rounding issues.
- CSS support:
  - Account for the CSS box-shadow property when clipping in HdyAvatar,
    HdyHeaderBar, and HdyTitleBar.
  - Support the CSS min-width and min-height properties in HdyHeaderBar,
    and HdyTitleBar.
- HdyDeck and HdyLeaflet:
  - Add *_get_adjacent_child() to get the child a swipe or a call to
    *_navigate() would present.
  - Don't skip the swipes with a 0 (child for leaflet) transition
  - Correctly cancel transitions when the duration is 0 or the
    transition is NONE.
- HdyCarousel:
  - Allow mouse drag by default.
  - Add the 'reveal-duration' property.
  - Animate child addition and deletion.
- HdyExpanderRow:
  - Move switch to the left of the arrow.
  - Add hdy_expander_row_add_action_widget() and the 'action' child type
    to allow adding widgets before the arrow and the switch.
- HdyHeaderBar:
  - Add the .titlebar style class by default.
- HdyKeypad:
  - Make it inherit from GtkBin instead of GtkGrid, contain one instead.
  - Add spacing properties to set the grid's spacing.
  - Don't make it visible by default.
- HdyPreferencesGroup:
  - Use the .heading style class for the title in addition to .h4.
- HdyPreferencesWindow:
  - Make clicking search rows work again.
- HdySwipeable:
  - Add the get_distance(), get_range(), get_snap_points(),
    get_progress(), and get_cancel_progress() virtual methods.
- HdyViewSwitcherTitle:
  - Remove the useless has-subtitle property.
  - Prevent gtk_widget_show_all() from modifying its internal state.
  - Make dispose() reentrant.


Version 0.82.0

- Unblacklist for inclusion into the tarball, fixing the build.
- HdyClamp:
  - Rename HdyColumn as HdyClamp.
  - Make it implement GtkOrientable.
  - Rename its properties from maximum-width to maximum-size, and
    linear-growth-width to tightening-threshold.
  - Rename the style classes it sets on itself from .narrow, .medium and
    .wide style to .small, .medium and .large.
  - Set the default value of maximum-size to 600, and of
    tightening-threshold to 400.
  - Notify when changing size properties, and guard non-changes.
- HdyCarousel, HdyDeck and HdyLeaflet:
  - Move the swipe tracker event handling to the bubble phase, giving
    the priority to the inner widget.
- HdyDeck:
  - Avoid some useless allocation computations.
- HdyLeaflet:
  - Don't count children of size 0 to compute the fold state.
  - Don't fold when there is only 1 visible size.
- HdySwipeable:
  - Add the missing direct header inclusion guard.
- HdyWindow and HdyApplicationWindow:
  - Implement destroy() to correctly destroy the internal widgets.
- Drop hdy_list_box_separator_header().
- Don't install Glade files outside prefix.
- Update the project description.
- Translation updates:
  - Spanish
  - Ukrainian


Version 0.83.0

- Initialization:
  - Add hdy_init() back, with a different prototype. See its
    documentation to know how to use it.
  - Drop initializing the library via a constructor as it was causing
    many issues.
  - Drop the now useless Python override.
  - Directly update themes on changes.
- Add HdySwipeTracker.
- HdySwipeable:
  - Drop the begin_swipe(), update_swipe(), end_swipe() and get_range()
    virtual methods
  - Add the get_swipe_tracker() and get_swipe_area() virtual methods.
  - Add the …_switch_child(), …_emit_child_switched(),
    …_get_swipe_tracker(), …_get_distance(), …_get_snap_points(),
    …_get_progress(), …_get_cancel_progress(), and …_get_swipe_area()
  - Make implementing get_snap_points() mandatory by dropping its
    default implementation, compensating the disparition of get_range().
  - Rename the switch-child signal to child-switched to avoid a naming
    collision with the switch_child() method.
- HdyDeck and HdyLeaflet:
  - Add an outline to shadows to make them slightly more contrasted yet
  - Make shadows work over OpenGL content.
  - Cache shadows for child transitions.
  - Stop drawing invisible shadows when no transition is running.
  - Rewrite the transition code to give a window to all children, fixing
    numerous issues.
- HdyExpanderRow:
  - Add hdy_expander_row_add_prefix().
- Add libhandy.syms back to tarballs as it was mistakenly removed.
- Translation updates:
  - Polish
  - Spanish


Version 0.84.0

- HdyHeaderGroup:
  - Replace GtkHeaderBar as the child type by HdyHeaderGroupChild, and
    adjust the matching accessors. HdyHeaderGroupChild can hold a
    GtkHeaderBar, a HdyHeaderBar, and a HdyHeaderGroup, allowing to nest
    header groups.
  - Replace the 'focus' property by the 'decorate-all' property.
  - Add the update-decoration-layouts signal, used when nesting header
- HdyHeaderBar:
  - Slight size request fix.
- Use the window node's radius instead of the decoration node's one to
  mask HdyWindow and HdyApplicationWindow.
- Make HdyAvatar, HdyHeaderGroup, HdySqueezer, HdyViewSwitcher,
  HdyViewSwitcherBar, HdyViewSwitcherTitle, and HdyWindowHandle final.
- Replace usage of (allow-none) by (nullable) or (optional).
- Translation updates:
  - Ukrainian


Version 0.85.0

- HdyAvatar:
  - Add the icon-name property to allow setting a different default icon
    than avatar-default-symbolic.
  - Ship avatar-default-symbolic as a resource to ensure it's there.
    This shouldn't affect icon themes already offering it.
  - Check the icon exists before using it to avoid a crash.
- HdyDeck and HdyLeaflet:
  - Allow dragging the higher sibling only from the border where it
    sits, rather than from the anywhere on the currently visible child,
    reinforcing spatialization.
  - Add the get_child_by_name() methods.
- HdyLeaflet:
  - Rename the 'allow-visible' child property into 'navigatable'.
- HdySwipeable:
  - Add a navigation direction param and a gesture type param to
- HdyPreferencesWindow:
  - Allow presenting a subpage over the window via the new
    present_subpage() and close_subpage() methods.
  - Add the 'can-swipe-back' property to allow closing a subpage via a
    back swipe gesture.
  - Exclude untitled rows as well as invisible pages, groups, and rows
    from the search results.
- HdyKeypad:
  - Replace the 'show-symbols' property by 'letters-visible'.
  - Replace the 'only-digits' property by 'symbols-visible', whose
    boolean meaning is inverted.
  - Replace the 'left-action' property by 'start-action'.
  - Replace the 'right-action' property by 'end-action'.
  - Make the 'entry' property declare it uses the GtkEntry type rather
    than GtkWidget.
- HdySqeezer:
  - Add the 'xalign' and 'yalign' properties to help aligning the
    children during transitions.
- HdyViewSwitcherTitle:
  - Set the 'policy' property default to 'auto' as in HdyViewSwitcher.
- HdyTitleBar:
  - Fix an accidental mix of natural and minimum sizes in measure().
- Harden the ABI by making symbols implicitly private and explicitly
- Translation updates:
  - Romanian
  - Ukrainian


Version 0.90.0

- Stop requiring the HANDY_USE_UNSTABLE_API guard.
- Stop transforming close buttons into back buttons for dialogs on the
- Give some nice default and minimum sizes to HdyPreferencesWindow.
- HdyCarousel:
  - Add HdyCarouselIndicatorDots and HdyCarouselIndicatorLines.
  - Drop the indicator-style, indicator-spacing, and center-content
- Revamp the colors of HdyAvatar and augment its colors number to 14.
- Set the default column and row spacing of HdyKeypad to 6 pixels.
- Don't present an arrow and a popover in HdyComboRow when its model has
  less than 2 items.
- Support CSS sizing properties for HdySqueezer and HdyViewSwitcher.
- Drop the icon-size properties of HdyViewSwitcher, HdyViewSwitcherTitle
  and HdyViewSwitcherBar.
- Give some horizontal margins to the view switcher of
  HdyViewSwitcherTitle via CSS.
- Add all files back to tarballs except the debian directory.


Version 0.91.0

- Update HdyComboRow's state when its model is changed.
- Fix padding application in HdyHeaderBar.
- HdyPreferencesWindow:
  - Translate the keyval properly to ensure keyboard shortcuts work with
    all keymaps.
  - Allow closing the window or subpages with the Esc key.
- HdyWindow and HdyApplicationWindow:
  - Fix a memory leak when destroying the widget.
  - Get the state from the correct style context to avoid a contant
    redraw after changing the text direction and before the window is
  - Don't force a 0px border-radius on the window to give more freedom
    to elementary.
- Translation updates:
  - Brazilian Portuguese
  - Basque
  - Indonesian
  - Spanish
  - Ukrainian


Version 1.0.0

- No change.

comment:38 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

I'm going to need to split libhandy-1.0 into a separate page. So far, seahorse and gnome-tweaks are not ported to use libhandy-1, they still need libhandy-0 (due to significant API changes). gnome-control-center and epiphany have already been ported.

comment:39 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago



News in 4.99.1, 2020-04-24

* Build system: port to Meson, remove Autotools.

* API changes:
 - A complete overhaul of the metadata API and implementation. The libxml2 is no
   longer required, and GVfs metadata is no longer used. New API:
	- TeplMetadata and TeplMetadataManager toolkit classes.
	- Convenience functions in the framework, in TeplAbstractFactory,
	  TeplApplication and TeplBuffer.
 - Remove TeplAbstractFactoryVala, because it's possible to manually manage
   GObject references in Vala when using TeplAbstractFactory.

* New API:
 - New class: TeplStatusbar.
 - New class: TeplPanel.
 - New class: TeplStyleSchemeChooserWidget.
 - File loading and saving toolkit: start to add some IO error info bars.
 - TeplInfoBar: add tepl_info_bar_set_buttons_orientation().
 - TeplView: add tepl_view_new_with_buffer().
 - Utility functions: add more functions.

* Misc:
 - Write a new roadmap in docs/.
 - Translation updates.


News in 4.99.2, 2020-05-29
* License:
 - Update the license from LGPLv2.1+ to LGPLv3+.
 - Start to use the REUSE way of applying licenses and copyrights information,
   with SPDX tags:

* API changes:
 - The beginning of a complete overhaul of the file loading and saving.
   This changes a little the API.
   The uchardet dependency is no longer needed.

* New API:
 - 'Go to line' horizontal bar feature.
 - Utility functions: add a function.

* Under the hood changes:
 - Have _TEPL_EXTERN macro for exporting public symbols.
 - Have a smaller TeplApplicationWindow class, factor out several
   tepl-window-actions-*.{c,h} files.

* Misc:
 - Improvements to the build system.
 - Metadata: improve the implementation and write unit tests.
 - Init i18n.
 - Tools: add shared-mime-info-list-text-plain-globs.
 - Translation updates.


News in 4.99.3, 2020-07-03
* Start to leverage the ICU library:
  It's currently used by TeplMetadataManager.


News in 4.99.4, 2020-09-04
* Add a few extra functions for GtkFileChooser.
* Translation updates.


News in 5.0.0, 2020-09-11
* Translation updates.

So we need to port to meson, drop the libxml2 dependency, and add a dependency on icu.

comment:40 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - amtk tepl webkitgtk libhandy at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core gtksourceview4 pyatspiGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - webkitgtk








Done at r23756

comment:41 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - webkitgtkGNOME 3.38 External Libraries - webkitgtk libsigc++-2.10.4 vala-0.50.1

Toss in libsigc++-2.10.4 and a new version of vala. :-(

comment:42 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago


* Meson build: Set default value of the 'warnings' option to 'min'
  (Kjell Ahlstedt)
* NMake Makefiles: Several improvements
  (Chun-Wei Fan) Pull request #58
* docs/reference/: Update for Doxygen >= 1.8.16
  (Kjell Ahlstedt)

* docs/manual/libsigc_manual.xml: Update signal and slot syntax
  (Kjell Ahlstedt) Issue #59 (Denis Washington)

The tarball for 2.10.4 has been created with 'meson dist'.
If you build with Autotools from the tarball, please read the relevant
part of README.

I'm going to attempt to move this over to meson.

comment:43 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



 * Various improvements and bug fixes:
  - codegen:
    + Don't falsly use g_return_val_if_fail() for async creation method [#1077]
    + Don't pass CCodeFunctionCall to NULL-aware free macro
  - vala:
    + Improve parsing of with-statement and allow it as embedded statement
    + Prioritize the usage of an existing with-variable instance,
      Recognize previously inserted implicit access to with-variable [#1043]
  - parser: Allow to begin expression with statement keyword [#1073]
  - g-i: Fix a couple of C compiler warnings
  - libvaladoc: Fix a couple of C compiler warnings
  - testrunner: Pass --enable-checking to increase coverage, Filter external
    -0X flags to preserve current default -O0
  - build: Stop passing obsolete --use-header

 * Bindings:
  - gstreamer: Update from 1.19.0+ git master
  - gtk4: Don't skip LayoutManager.create_layout_child() [#1071]
  - gtk4: Update to 3.99.1+15b635d7
  - vapi: Update GIR-based bindings
  - webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.30.1

comment:44 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



WebKitGTK 2.29.1 released!

This is the first development release leading toward 2.30 series.
What’s new in the WebKitGTK 2.29.1 release?

    Stop using GTK theming to render form controls.
    Add API to disable GTK theming for scrollbars too.
    Fix several race conditions and threading issues in the media player.
    Add USER_AGENT_BRANDING build option.
    Add paste as plain text option to the context menu for rich editable content.
    Fix several crashes and rendering issues.


WebKitGTK 2.29.2 released!

This is a development release leading toward 2.30 series.
What’s new in the WebKitGTK 2.29.2 release?

    Add Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) support.
    Add support for video formats in img elements.
    Add API to handle video autoplay policy that now defaults to disallow autoplay videos with audio.
    Add API to mute a web view.
    Add API to allow applications to handle the HTTP authentication credential storage.
    Add a WebKitSetting to set the media content types requiring hardware support.
    Fix a crash during drag an drop due to a bug introduced in 2.29.1.
    Do not start page load during animation in back/forward gesture.
    Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
    Translation updates: Ukrainian.


WebKitGTK 2.29.3 released!

This is a development release leading toward 2.30 series.
What’s new in the WebKitGTK 2.29.3 release?

    Add webkit_authentication_request_get_security_origin.
    Change the cookies accept policy to always when no-third-party is set and ITP is enabled.
    Fix web process hangs on large GitHub pages.
    Bubblewrap sandbox should not attempt to bind empty paths.
    Add support for sndio to bubblewrap sandbox.
    Also handle dark themes when the name ends with -Dark.
    Fix a race condition causing a crash in media player.
    Fix several crashes and rendering issues.


WebKitGTK 2.29.4 released!

This is a development release leading toward 2.30 series.
What’s new in the WebKitGTK 2.29.4 release?

    Add support for backdrop filters.
    Add support for text-underline-offset and text-decoration-thickness.
    Add OpenCDM and AV1 support to media backend.
    Add new API to get ITP data summary.
    Use mobile user-agent on tablets.
    Fix several crashes and rendering issues.


WebKitGTK 2.29.90 released!

This is a development release leading toward 2.30 series.
What’s new in the WebKitGTK 2.29.90 release?

    Fix font variation settings when font smoothing setting is also present.
    Fix HTML drag and drop operations.
    Fix argument order for clone syscall seccomp filter on s390x.
    Fix a crash when selecting text.
    Fix several crashes and rendering issues.


WebKitGTK 2.29.91 released!

This is a development release leading toward 2.30 series.
What’s new in the WebKitGTK 2.29.91 release?

    Fix a web process crash introduced in 2.29.90.


WebKitGTK 2.29.92 released!

This is a development release leading toward 2.30 series.
What’s new in the WebKitGTK 2.29.92 release?

    Fix user agent header after a redirect when a new quirk is required.
    Stop using firefox user agent quirk for google docs.
    Fix rendering frames timeline panel in web inspector.
    Fix per-thread cpu usage in web inspector.
    Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
    Translation updates: Polish


WebKitGTK 2.30.0 released!

This is the first stable release in the 2.30 series.
Highlights of the WebKitGTK 2.30.0 release

    Add Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) support.
    Add support for backdrop filters.
    Stop using GTK theming to render form controls and add API to disable using GTK to render scrollbars too.
    Add support for video formats in image elements.
    Add API to handle video autoplay policy that now defaults to disallow autoplay videos with audio.
    Add API to mute a web view.
    Add paste as plain text option to the context menu for rich editable content.


WebKitGTK 2.30.1 released!

This is the first bug fix release in the stable 2.30 series.
What’s new in the WebKitGTK 2.30.1 release?

    Bring back the environment variable to force single process mode when PSON is disabled.
    Fix downloads started by an ephemeral web context.
    Translation updates: Brazilian Portuguese.

comment:45 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
Summary: GNOME 3.38 External Libraries - webkitgtk libsigc++-2.10.4 vala-0.50.1GNOME 3.38 External Libraries




All fixed at r23776

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