Opened 5 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#14032 closed enhancement (fixed)

GNOME 3.38 Applications

Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 10.1
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


This ticket contains updates for all the updates in the GNOME Applications for 3.38

This will also include gedit and epiphany.

Change History (29)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 Applications -GNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot

Add gnome-screenshot

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshotGNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility

Add gnome-disk-utility

comment:4 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utilityGNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit






comment:5 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor geditGNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphany

Add epiphany

comment:6 by Xi Ruoyao, 5 years ago

epiphany-3.38 requires latest libdazzle (now is a development version, 3.37.1), and a new package libportal.

comment:7 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphanyGNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphany gnome-maps baobab

Add gnome-maps and baobab

comment:8 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphany gnome-maps baobabGNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphany gnome-maps baobab evince gnome-terminal file-roller eog

Add the following packages:





comment:9 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphany gnome-maps baobab evince gnome-terminal file-roller eogGNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphany gnome-maps baobab evince gnome-terminal file-roller eog cheese

Add cheese

comment:10 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



version 3.38.0
  - cheese: improve format parsing
    Check if both width and height are of the expected value type.

    Check if width and height are > 0 before adding the format as a
    valid format. Adding 0x0 resolutions causes a divide by 0 later
    when we calculate aspect ratios.
  - Add 'camera' and 'selfie' keywords to .desktop file
    These both seems like search terms people are likely to use when looking
    for this app.
  - Fix keyboard shortcut window being displayed twice
  - App icon: minor refinements

I did leave out the dozens of documentation and translation changes. Those can be found at

comment:11 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

The sed for cheese is still required, and the kernel configuration section needs to be redone.

comment:12 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphany gnome-maps baobab evince gnome-terminal file-roller eog cheeseGNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphany gnome-maps baobab evince gnome-terminal file-roller eog

Cheese-3.38.0 fixed at r23794

comment:13 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago




  * Files are now shown in the UI
  * Many fixes for the location list, including duplication issues and a
    problem with network locations blocking the UI
  * Disk Usage Analyzer now shows up in the list of recommended applications for folders
  * Mount points are now excluded only if on different filesystems
  * Visual fixes (tooltips, sorting of recent items)
  * Added the possibility to clear the recent list
  * Improved Shortcut window



  * Added compatibility with MinGW
  * Improved treeview navigation in order to avoid horizontal scrolling
  * Updated color palette of the charts
  * Added a command line option to cross filesystem boundaries



  * Added UI to change excluded locations
  * Style fixes


Translation and documentation updates

comment:14 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



Version 3.37.1

Bug fixes:

 !48, Change "Back space" to "Backspace" (scootergrisen)
 !49, Change "Slide show" to "Slideshow" (scootergrisen)
 !56, Fix minor typos (Yuri Chornoivan)
 #115, "Use the keyboard keys" could explain which ones (Ali Hassan-Zahraee)


Version 3.37.2

Bug fixes:

 !57, Made strings consistent in (Prashant Rawat)
 !58, Make EoG usable on phones (Arnaud Ferraris)
 !60, Use Portals and GtkAppChooserDialog for the "Open With" choices
      (Felipe Borges)
 !61, EogThumbView: Fix visible range callback being queued to often
      (Felix Riemann)
 #113, String with zooming in and out might be incorrect (Andre Klapper)


Version 3.37.90

Bug fixes:

 !66, build: Make libportal dependency optional (Felipe Borges)
 !68, help: change file to File (Monika Grabovska)
 !69, eog-window: Use view-restore symbolic icon (Diego Escalante Urrelo)
 !70, flatpak fixups (Jordan Petridis)
 !71, Make pressing Ctrl+Q close all windows (Martin van Zijl)
 #99, Use Wallpaper Portal for "Set as Wallpaper" when possible (Felipe Borges)
 #139, Should inhibit screensaver only in slideshow mode (Felix Riemann)


Version 3.37.92

New and updated translations:

New and updated manual translations:


Version 3.38.0

New and updated translations:

New and updated manual translations:

comment:15 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphany gnome-maps baobab evince gnome-terminal file-roller eogGNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphany gnome-maps evince gnome-terminal file-roller



Fixed at r23811

comment:16 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



Evince    3.37.1

  * Use lowercase for project name in meson (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Add 'user_doc' option to meson (Nelson Benítez León)

  * build with meson by default and autotools manually (Germán Poo-Caamaño)

  * Update Poppler to 0.88.0 (Casey Jao)

  * Fix typo in parameter's description (Yuri Chornoivan)


Evince    3.37.2

  *  Annotate functions that wraps formatting strings (#1410, Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  *  Fix -Wformat-zero-length warning (Germán Poo-Caamaño)

  *  use so suffix on macOS (Tom Schoonjans)

  *  Fix meson targets (Germán Poo-Caamaño)

  *  Annotate functions that wraps formatting strings (#1410, Germán Poo-Caamaño)


Evince    3.37.3

  * Add support for xmpRights:UsageTerms in PDF (#128, Juanjo Marín)
  * Fix -Werror=format=2 fixes on dvi for ARM (#1429, Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Fix warnings (Germán Poo-Caamaño)

  * Remove autotools (Iñigo Martínez)
  * add usual meson build directory to gitignore (vanadiae)

  * Add libdazzle utilities to open file manager (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Use async calls in file manager (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * filemanager: create proxy synchronously (Christian Hergert)

  * Add man pages for evince-previewer and evince-thumbnailer (#680, Caolán McNamara)
  * Crop out of place pixel line of screenshot (Germán Poo-Caamaño)

  * Bump gnome-desktop to 3.36.1 (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Bump poppler to 0.89.0 (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Update Flatpak for app-provided gdk-pixbuf loader (Bastien Nocera)
  * don't build user help as slow and not needed for development (vanadiae)

  * Link to the GNOME Desktop help for two print pages (#1344, Pranali Deshmukh)
  * Updated annotation navigation page (#1345, Pranali Deshmukh)

  * Add links when jumping to first or last page. (#785627, #810, Casey Jao)
  * Don't assume EvLink has always a valid EvLinkAction (#810, Nelson Benítez León)
  * Move some responsibilities out of EvHistory. (#785627, #810, Casey Jao)
  * Record current page when going back in history (#810, Casey Jao)
  * Record links in history when activating bookmarks (#785627, #810, Casey Jao)

  * Annotate deprecated function (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Load application-specific gdk-pixbuf loaders (Bastien Nocera)

  * Add delay before showing link preview popover (#662, Mads Chr. Olesen)
  * Adjust preview size and contents' position (#662, Henry Gebhardt)
  * Allow find results be styled with CSS (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Cleanup link preview popover, on mouseover of it (#662, Mads Chr. Olesen)
  * Fix deprecated use of gdk_flush (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Fix gtk_drag_begin deprecations (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Increase page duration resolution (#637, Marc Vinyals)
  * Let handle_cursor_over_xy handle link preview (#662, Mads Chr. Olesen)
  * Make a preview popover for links (#662, Mads Chr. Olesen)
  * Remove gtk_adjustment_changed calls (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Remove unused variables (#1010, Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Replace "cursor-color" by "caret-color" (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Make contrast functions available in all libview/ (vanadiae)
  * Use annotation color for the close button (vanadiae)

  *  set license to GPLv2+ as it's the one for the license notices (vanadiae)

  * Add contribution guidelines (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Add editorconfig file to keep style consistency (vanadiae)
  * Fix formatting (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Fix tabs in guidelines for contributors (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Make "Open Containing Folder" work in flatpak (#1147, Casey Jao)
  * Update POTFILES.skip (Piotr DrÄ…g)
  * Updated Contribution Guidelines (Pranali Deshmukh)
  * Fix warning on documents lacking annotations interface (Nelson Benítez León)

  *  Add meaningful description in about dialog (#1418, Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  *  Check "page-changed" in EvSidebarBookmarks (#623, Casey Jao)
  *  Fix interval for displaying the loading message (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  *  Make opening file year-2038-safe (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  *  Use GMenu for bookmarks' popup menu (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  *  Use GtkFileChooserNative for opening and saving files. (Casey Jao)

  *  Don't specify candidate channel for the build snap (Ken VanDine)
  *  updated to use latest snapcraft extension. Fixes #1426 (Ken VanDine)

  *  Annotate more functions that wraps formatting strings (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  *  Sync against upstream synctex (Germán Poo-Caamaño)


Evince    3.37.90

  * Bump glib requirement to 2.44 (Germán Poo-Caamaño)
  * Correct a typo in (Felix Yan)

  * remove deprecated jobs (Jordan Petridis)

  * Fix some math fonts when using virtual fonts (#53, David C. Sterratt)

  * Replace deprecated GTime by GDateTime (vanadiae)

  * Fix deprecation for getting background color (Germán Poo-Caamaño)


Evince    3.38.0

  * Build using libm in some of the backends (Sebastien Bacher)

  *  Minus sign doesn't appear with mathdesign fonts (#1477, David C. Sterratt)

  *  Reimplement 'de facto' tooltip with no ABI break (Germán Poo-Caamaño)

comment:17 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Summary: GNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphany gnome-maps evince gnome-terminal file-rollerGNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphany gnome-maps gnome-terminal file-roller

evince-3.38.0 (with proper DVI support again) fixed at r23820

comment:18 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



Evolution 3.37.2 2020-05-29

Bug Fixes:
	Bug 725254 - Smaller font size shown as 0 in preview when received (Milan Crha)
	I#783 - e-editor.js: Remove body margin/padding styles and attributes (Milan Crha)
	I#821 - Slow message search (Milan Crha)
	I#884 - Composer: Text split for wrapping can produce invalid UTF-8 text (Milan Crha)
	I#906 - composer-plain-text-starts-preformatted is not followed when replying to HTML emails (Milan Crha)
	I#914 - Allow setting Reply-To and From values via a mailto: URI (Milan Crha)
	I#915 - Fix some issues reported by Clang's ubsan sanitizer (Milan Crha)
	I#917 - Crash under html_editor_update_actions (Milan Crha)
	I#923 - e-canvas-background.c: Limit boundary rectangle to fit 'int' type (Milan Crha)
	I#925 - Check _submissions._tcp SRV records during account setup (Milan Crha)
	I#929 - Allow calendar week view to start on Sunday (Bryan Dunsmore)
	I#930 - gnome-canvas.c: Avoid integer value overflow in redraw_if_visible() (Milan Crha)
	I#947 - ECollectionAccountWizard: Error message hidden when sources' save failed (Milan Crha)
	M!53 - data/webkit/*.js: change the emacs mode to JavaScript (Дилян Палаузов)
	M!54 - Add the enumeration of possible values for ENABLE_PLUGINS (Дилян Палаузов)
	M!57 - gal-a11y-e-cell-text.c: Replace deprecated G_CONST_RETURN usage (Дилян Палаузов)
	ews-I#99 - All-day events date shown by one day off (Milan Crha)

	EWebKitEditor: Switch to JavaScriptCore API (Milan Crha)
	HACKING: Replace 404 with URL (Andre Klapper)
	Default Inbox message: Replace URL with URL (Andre Klapper)
	Default Inbox message: Remove reference to outdated on-wiki FAQ (Andre Klapper)
	Default Inbox message: Remove Japanese version (broken binary noise) (Andre Klapper)
	Default Inbox message: Update mailing list URL (Andre Klapper)
	Default Inbox message: Replace Bugzilla with Gitlab URL (Andre Klapper)
	Default Inbox message: Remove Novell email address from footer (Andre Klapper)
	Default Inbox message: Remove updates for version 2.8 from Portuguese version (Andre Klapper) Update WebKitGTK+ version, to match the one in CMakeLists.txt (Milan Crha)
	e-editor.js: Remove insignificant new lines when pre-processing loaded HTML (Milan Crha)
	e-convert.js: Correct conversion of citations with nested blocks (Milan Crha)
	e-editor.js: Normalize blockquote-s for replies/forwards (Milan Crha)
	e-editor.js: Fix various issues related to citation editing (Milan Crha)
	e-editor.js: Remove all body attributes when using Plain Text mode (Milan Crha)
	e-editor.js: Block format change doesn't set DIV width in Plain Text mode (Milan Crha)
	Enable sandbox usage for WebKitGTK (Milan Crha)
	Calendar: Show probable HTML-formatted component DESCRIPTION as formatted text (Milan Crha)
	mail_execute_shell_command: Add logging for easier debugging (Milan Crha)
	SetupBuildFlags.cmake: Use -Werror=implicit-function-declaration only for C code compilation (Milan Crha)
	ECompEditorPageSchedule: Fix some minor issues reported by Coverity Scan (Milan Crha)
	Fix minor typos (Yuri Chornoivan)
	MessageList: Update localized re values only if the setting changed (Milan Crha)
	EWebDAVConfigLookup: Clear output GError before using it (Milan Crha)
	ECollectionAccountWizard: Prefix errors when finishing the wizard (Milan Crha)
	e-convert.js: Treat dash as a wrap-able character (Milan Crha)
	help: Fix broken Catalan help translation (Andre Klapper)
	help: 'Send and Receive' button is called 'Send / Receive' (Andre Klapper)
	help: Search folders must be enabled in order to display the menu item (Andre Klapper)
	help: Add missing file to CMakeLists.txt (Andre Klapper)


Evolution 3.37.3 2020-07-03

Bug Fixes:
	I#854 - Offer "Saved searches" submenu in the search bar (Milan Crha)
	I#855 - Order mail search entries by type and speed (Milan Crha)
	I#858 - Add an option to show uncompleted tasks (RALOVICH, Kristof)
	I#934 - CMake: Spam-filtering options should be files, not paths (Milan Crha)
	I#963 - Composer: New message can incorrectly keep selected default account (Milan Crha)
	I#966 - Composer: Correct caret placement around signature wrapper (Milan Crha)
	I#969 - Workaround freeze on drag of message over composer body (Milan Crha)
	I#975 - Composer: Some user options not propagated to the WebProcess (Milan Crha)
	I#979 - Undeletable empty item in folder list (Milan Crha)
	I#982 - 'Message contains'-search broken in 3.36.3 (Milan Crha)
	I#985 - Ensure 16px online/offline icon height in the status bar (Milan Crha)
	I#1003 - ASAN: Left shift of 0xFF00 by 16 places cannot be represented in type 'int' (Milan Crha)
	eds-I#223 - WebDAV: Inefficient processing of returned XML data (Milan Crha)

	Address a compiler warning about ENABLE_MAINTAINER_MODE (Milan Crha)
	Composer: Asks for format change on Plain Text draft open (Milan Crha)
	e-editor.js: EvoEditor.LoadHTML: Preserve theme CSS (Milan Crha)
	Add an option to specify minimum font size for WebKitGTK (Milan Crha)
	Drop (optional) dependency on org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings schema (Milan Crha)
	help: Update KMail import instructions (Andre Klapper)


Evolution 3.37.90 2020-08-07

Bug Fixes:
	I#895 - "Time" portion of calendar entries not scaling with font (Stefan Paul Noack)
	I#973 - Increase size of calendar copy/move dialog (Bryan Dunsmore)
	I#998 - ETree: Hard to see thread expander on selected row (Milan Crha)
	I#1017 - ECompEditor: Error when save-only (all instances) of a recurring event (Milan Crha)
	I#1027 - Calendar: SEQUENCE not changed when modifying All Instances (Milan Crha)
	I#1030 - Calendar: Component editor shows incomplete RRULE (Milan Crha)
	I#1034 - Calendar: Event non-libical time zone reset to UTC on edit (Milan Crha)
	I#1038 - EShellSearchbar: Save search scope per folder (Milan Crha)
	I#1041 - Search folders can show non-matches after filter change (Milan Crha)
	I#1042 - Show recurrence information with user-specified date format (Milan Crha)
	M!62 - ECellText/ECellDate: Use tabular numbers for date (Zander Brown)

	EContactEditor: Other mailing address has stored incorrect address label (Milan Crha)
	Flatpak manifests: Adapt to the branch name change for the bogofilter project (Milan Crha)
	e-web-view.js: Check iframe property validity in Evo.initialize() (Milan Crha)
	itip-formatter: Content not shown when showing message without folder (Milan Crha)
	Message filters not playing sounds (Milan Crha)
	Add Central Kurdish translation to the list of supported locales (Milan Crha)
	help: Mailing List filter criterion checks numerous mail headers (Andre Klapper)
	help: Link Contact Autocompletion and automatic Contacts (Andre Klapper)


Evolution 3.37.92 2020-09-04

Bug Fixes:
	I#461 - Let 'Wrap quoted text in replies' influence paragraph style (Milan Crha)
	I#561 - Composer: Restore X-Evolution headers when send fails (Milan Crha)
	I#657 - Cannot rename other than selected mail folder (Milan Crha)
	I#841 - Bcc field reset when composing as "Edit as New Message" (Milan Crha)
	I#893 - Include description in the tooltip of the events (Milan Crha)
	I#908 - Focus body in message window when caret mode is enabled (Milan Crha)
	I#919 - Better figure out intended recipient with Reply to Sender (Milan Crha)
	I#931 - WebDAV browser: Refresh list of server sources on dialog close (Milan Crha)
	I#981 - Mail: Misleading message when searching in multiple folders (Milan Crha)
	I#1014 - Calendar: Correct RRULE's UNTIL value saving (Milan Crha)
	I#1061 - Mail preview can cause WebKit do 100% endless loop (Milan Crha)
	I#1063 - Enhance debug prints of PKCS12 file import (Milan Crha)
	I#1064 - Hide 'Copy content for offline use' when not used (Milan Crha)
	I#1067 - The "No label" filter shows emails with labels (Milan Crha)
	I#1068 - Attached event invitation not properly displayed (Milan Crha)
	I#1071 - Shift+number key cannot be typed in the search field (Milan Crha)
	M!64 - help: Add missing double quote in a string (Jordi Mas)

	Let the New Collection Account window resize based on its content (Milan Crha)
	EWebView: Write console messages to stdout when WebKit developer mode is enabled (Milan Crha)
	help: Clarify what to do if PST import is not available (Andre Klapper)


Evolution 3.38.0 2020-09-11

	ECompEditorMemo: Invalid cast of a widget object (Milan Crha)


Evolution 3.38.1 2020-10-02

Bug Fixes:
	I#766 - Flatpak: Enable access to Kerberos tickets (Milan Crha)
	I#1070 - Improve URL scanner (detect angle brackets) (Milan Crha)
	I#1072 - EDateEdit: Doesn't signal date change when set to None (Milan Crha)
	I#1073 - Calendar: Recurring DATE value can match DTSTART and DTEND (Milan Crha)
	I#1085 - WebDAVBrowser: Show the collection URL in the tooltip (Milan Crha)
	I#1089 - Extend the iTIP formatter to show ATTACH and URL (Milan Crha)
	I#1090 - Forward as iCalendar: Embed event's local attachments (Milan Crha)
	I#1092 - Mail: Skip error parts when quoting/printing messages (Milan Crha)
	I#1094 - CollectionAccountWizard: Eventually prefill account name from server name (Milan Crha)
	I#1095 - WebDAVBrowser: Escape text for use in markup (Milan Crha)
	I#1096 - iTip formatter: Do not double-HTML-escape user comment (Milan Crha)
	I#1097 - iTip formatter: Show HTML Description, when available (Milan Crha)
	I#1103 - iTip formatter: Ignore non-opaque events in the conflict search (Milan Crha)
	I#1123 - Composer: Spell check menu hides "Add to Dictionary" after open (Milan Crha)
	I#1127 - EWebDAVBrowserPage: Offer 'Browse' for WebDAV sources only (Milan Crha)
	M!65 - Resolve build failure with ENABLE_CANBERRA set to OFF (David Ward)

	Flatpak: Switch to 3.38 SDK and build its own libcanberra (Milan Crha)
	EWebKitEditor: Prevent NULL dereference on call to WebKitWebView methods (Milan Crha)
	Flatpak: Change git URL for libcanberra (Milan Crha)
	ECalendarItem: Settings loaded only when being shown (Milan Crha)

comment:19 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



version 3.37.90

 New features and user visible changes:

  * Added Keyboard Shortcuts dialog. (Sabri Ãœnal)
  * Added Control-1 and Control-2 shortcuts to change file list mode.
  * Added Shift+Ctrl+S to save with another name. (Sabri Ãœnal)
  * Add website to about dialog. (David King)
  * Add mnemonics to some strings. (Sabri Ãœnal)
  * Help: give pages some order. (Sabri Ãœnal)
  * Help: added F2 key shortcut to archive edit page. (Pranali Deshmukh)

 Bugs fixed:

  * Drag-and-Drop crash after cancelling file overwrite. (Guilherme Silva)
  * 7z: fix progress display when using p7zip. (Peter Keresztes Schmidt)
  * Java utils: avoid memory leak. (Pavel Shlyak)
  * Fix minor typo: Shorcuts -> Shortcuts. (Yuri Chornoivan)
  * Package installer: Removed X11 dependency. (Romeo Calota)


version 3.38.0

 New or updated application translations:

 New or updated manual translations:

(Note: I've trimmed out the translation updates for both 3.37.90 and 3.38.0, similar to how I have most GNOME packages this cycle.)

comment:20 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



Overview of changes in gnome-calculator 3.37.90
    * Add tooltips for bits in programming mode !46 (Olliver Schinagl)
    * Updated French translation (Guillaume Bernard)
    * Updated Indonesian translation (Andika Triwidada)
    * Updated Ukrainian translation (Daniel Korostil, Yuri Chornoivan)
    * Updated Catalan translation (Jordi Mas, Gil Forcada)
    * Updated Basque translation (Ibai Oihanguren Sala, Asier Sarasua Garmendia)
    * Updated Hebrew translation (Yosef Or Boczko)
    * Updated Friulian translation (Fabio Tomat)
    * Updated Slovenian translation (Matej Urbančič)
    * snap packaging updates (Ken VanDine)
    * Added link to website in About #155 (Robert Roth)
    * Added speed conversions !49 (Mathieu Heurtevin)
    * Updated Romanian translation (Florentina Mușat)
    * History view follows preferences #105, #159, #168 (Robert Roth)
    * Added month as time unit #158 (Robert Roth)
    * Better help for variables example usage #154 (Robert Roth)
    * Defined pi variable, added pi button in programming mode #153 (Robert Roth)
    * CI build fixes (Robert Roth)
    * Updated app icon !47 (Jakub Steiner)
    * Fixed bug returning empty string as result #152 (Robert Roth)
    * Support latex-style multiplication #164 (Robert Roth)
    * Added support for tau constant #46 (Robert Roth)
    * Unify constant handling (Robert Roth)
    * Separate UI files from sources (Robert Roth)
    * Moved number format selection to separate menu #24 (Robert Roth)
    * Replaces mode selector shortcuts with Ctrl+Alt (Robert Roth)
    * Clear answer if editing right before it #59, #161 (Robert Roth)
    * Moved preferences dialog to UI file (Robert Roth)
    * Refresh bits panel after calculation #38 (Robert Roth)
    * Updated Spanish translation (Daniel Mustieles García)
    * Updated Indonesian translation (Kukuh Syafaat)
    * Updated Kazakh translation (Baurzhan Muftakhidinov)
    * Updated Lithuanian translation (Aurimas ÄŒernius)
    * Updated Chinese translation (Boyuan Yang)
    * Updated German translation (Tim Sabsch)
    * Removed past author addresses #174 (Robert Roth)
    * Updated Swedish translation (Anders Jonsson)


(Entirely translation updates)

Overview of changes in gnome-calculator 3.37.92


(Entirely translation updates)

Overview of changes in gnome-calculator 3.38.0


Overview of changes in gnome-calculator 3.38.1
    * Updated Italian translation (Janvitus)
    * Updated Friulian translation (Fabio Tomat)
    * Updated Latvian translation (RÅ«dolfs Mazurs)
    * Updated French translation (Thibault Martin)
    * Updated Portuguese translation (Juliano de Souza Camargo)
    * Updated Hebrew translation (Yosef Or Boczko)
    * Updated Slovak translation (Dušan Kazik)
    * Fixed GNOME Shell search result copy to clipboard #178 (Robert Roth)

comment:21 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



3.37.2 - March 5, 2020

Kai Lüke:
 * Fix creating partitions by using special parameter when requesting the maximal partition size
 * Always show other filesystem format choices
 * Fix unmounting drives by waiting until UDisks updates the unmounted filesystem

Updated translations:


3.38.0 - September 10, 2020

Kai Lüke:
 * Build/install readme improvements (INSTALL)

Jordan Petridis:
 * ci: remove deprecated jobs
 * ci: port flatpak job to the template

Updated translations:

comment:22 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



3.37.2 - May 30, 2020

Changes since 3.37.1
 - Fix "no network" dispay to fit better on smaller displays
 - Add initial basic support for running unit tests on builds
 - Enable sandboxing on the WebKit web view used in OpenStreetMap account setup
 - Limit the number of fraction digits when displaying raw coordinates in place
   entries (i.e. when route searching) for better readability
 - Restrict the user location accuracy circle to only show when all of it fits
   in the view (both horizontally and vertically) to avoid obscuring too much
   of the map view i.e. on very wide displays. Also lower the opacity of the
   circle to make it "stand out" less


3.37.3 - Jul 4, 2020

Changes since 3.37.2
 - Implement night mode
 - Implement support for hybrid aerial map style
 - Add F10 keyboard shortcut for the main menu
 - Fix an issue where some search result gets the wrong level of name


3.37.90 - Aug 8, 2020

Changes since 3.37.3
 - Improved keyboard navigation for routing entries
 - Adaptive UI for routing sidebar


3.37.91 - Aug 22, 2020

Changes since 3.37.90
 - Add additional icons for walking directions for the OpenTripPlanner
   transit plugin
 - Make the "no network" display adaptive


3.37.92 - Sep 5, 2020

Changes since 3.37.91
 - Revert the adaptive UI for the routing sidebar, as there has been reports
   of crashes in some cases (related to Clutter and libhandy under Wayland)
 - Allow editing negative elevations on OSM objects (values below sea level)
 - Display population in place bubbles using localized number format
 - Update POI type definitions from iD for OSM editing


3.38.0 - Sep 12, 2020

Changes since 3.37.92
 - Translation updates


3.38.1 - Oct 3, 2020

Changes since 3.38.0
 - Show error message in popover when a search request has failed
 - Fix exception on shutdown when unregistering DBus
 - Fix "no network" display to fit on smaller screens - Oct 7, 2020

Changes since 3.38.1
 - Fix a race-condition bug in search-as-you-type resulting in out-of-sync
   search results in some circumstances
 - Fix updating missing details after editing a POI in OpenStreetMap

comment:23 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



GNOME Screenshot 3.37.1 - 25th April 2020

- Completely redesign the UI [!7, Christopher Davis]
- Allow taking area screenshots with timeout [!17, Philipp Wolfer]
- Deprecate --include-border and --remove-border options
- Deprecate --border-effect option
- Add -Dx11 build option to allow building without X11 [!27]
- Cleanups and deprecation fixes [!18, !20, !21, !23, !29, !30]
- Translation updates:


GNOME Screenshot 3.37.90 - 7th August 2020

- Port to libhandy
- CI updates [Jordan Petridis]
- Update screenshots in appdata
- Translation updates:

Hmm... I wonder what version of libhandy it's using. I'm hoping libhandy1.


GNOME Screenshot 3.38.0 - 10th September 2020

- Translation updates:

comment:24 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

gnome-screenshot now uses libhandy1 :) At least it's not libhandy0!

comment:25 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



New in 3.37.90 - 07 August 2020

* added/updated translations


New in 3.37.91 - 21 August 2020

* added/updated translations


New in 3.37.92 - 4 September 2020

* added/updated translations


New in 3.38.0 - 11 September 2020

* added/updated translations

comment:26 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



profile: Add pref to enable SIXEL    
    When VTE was built with SIXEL support, show a checkbox in
    the compatibility prefs to enable it.
build: Bump version and vte req version
client: legacy: Ignore some more env variables
profile: editor: Only show font family and size in the font chooser
Improve contrast in the "GNOME" terminal palette
    After testing the GNOME terminal palette added in
    on a wider variety of applications, using a test tool that I developed:
    I have come up with some alterations to the "GNOME" terminal palette
    that aim to improve contrast over the previous revision.
    Here's a summary of the changes made, with an explanation for the
    * Reduced the brightness of Black (#0). Perhaps the most noticable
      change. I like the slight purple/blue tint, so I haven't changed it to
      a pure black, but the new shade is a lot darker. This gives room to
      improve the contrast of other colors over the dark background.
    * Reduced the brightness of Brown (#3). This color is often used as a
      foreground over the default background, so I have adjusted it to be
      closer to the middle between the dark and light backgrounds.
      The contrast over White goes up from from 3.30 to 4.12 (still AA
      Large). The contrast ratio over Black goes down from 4.83 (AA) to
      4.40 (AA Large).
    * Reduced the brightness of Blue (#4). The contrast ratio of Blue over
      Black remains almost the same (2.02 to 2.01). Applications almost
      always request Bright Blue when using blue over the default
      background, because the contrast of Blue over Black is really bad in
      most terminal color schemes. Annoyingly, many existing applications do
      this by requesting Bold Blue, meaning that enabling the "Show bold
      text in bright colors" option is highly recommended when using a dark
      Reducing the brightness of Blue helps improve contrast when it is used
      as a background color, particularly since some of the bright colors
      also had their brightness reduced (see below).
    * Reduced the brightness of Cyan (#6). This color is often used as a
      foreground over the default background. I have adjusted it to increase
      the contrast over the light background from 2.40 (Fail) to 3.07 (AA
      Large). The contrast over dark background goes down from 6.66 to 5.91
      (still AA).
    * Reduced the brightness of Light Gray (#7). Light gray was previously
      difficult to distinguish from White when used over a dark background,
      this helps a bit. Contrast vs White incrases from 1.36 to 1.56.
      This color is used the foreground color in the dark scheme, the contrast
      over the default background goes from 11.8 to 11.6 (still AAA).
      The contrast over Blue goes from 5.82 to 5.80 (still AA).
    * Increased the brightness of Bright Red (#9).
      Bright Red is occasionally used as a foreground over Blue. The
      previous color had nearly matching luminance, making it hard to read.
      The contrast over Blue increases from 1.92 to 2.90.
      This does reduce the contrast of Bright Red over Bright White from
      4.09 to 3.11 (both AA Large) but that's a pretty rare color
      combination except when "bold is bright" is used.
    * Reduced the brightness of Bright Yellow (#11) and Cyan (#14).
      The previous colors were almost completely unreadable against a white
      background, while the new ones are usable by people with good
      eyesight, at least (contrast up from 1.29 and 1.68 to 2.01 and 2.03).
      Applications generally avoid bright yellow and cyan over the default
      background, but it is seen now and then (usually as a side-effect of
      "bold is bright"). The contrast of both colors over dark blue is
      reduced slightly, from AA down to AA Large (4.49 and 4.46 respectively).
    * Increased the brightness of Bright Blue (#12).
      Bright Blue is used as a foreground over both dark and light
      backgrounds. I've adjusted the brightness to give it about the same
      contrast level against both Black (#0) and Bright White (#15). Both
      get AA Large (4.30 and 4.21 respectively).
    * The remaining colors are unchanged, but due to Black getting darker,
      the contrast of Red, Green, and Purple in particular over Black is
      noticably improved.
    On a technical level, I've switched the default palette in the GSettings
    schema to use the colors expressed in hex, so it's easier to check by
    eye if the schema and the code match.
Add a manual
systemd: Use app- prefix for systemd slice
    To avoid confusion, we have updated the systemd specification to use
    app.slice rather than apps.slice. Update the use here accordingly.
    This change is in no way urgent as other software is not using the
    conventions yet.
    Closes: #260


Version 3.38.0
man: Document the various ways to run a command in a gnome-terminal
    There are three ways to run a command in a gnome-terminal (using
    "python -q" as my example because it illustrates how argument parsing
    works), of which "-e" was previously the only one listed in the
    man page:
    * gnome-terminal [OPTIONS] -- python3 -q
    * gnome-terminal [OPTIONS] -e "python3 -q" [MORE OPTIONS]
    * gnome-terminal [OPTIONS] -x python3 -q
    --command is a long form of -e, and --execute is a long form of -x.
    Both the "-e" and "-x" forms are deprecated in favour of the "--" form,
    but previously only the deprecated "-e" form was documented in the
    man page.
    Document the preferred form in the synopsis, and document -e and -x in
    terms of their replacements with the preferred form.
screen: Fix DND with variant x-moz-url type
    It appears that some producers (e.g., dolphin) produce a \r\n
    instead of just a \n, so strip the \r too.    
build: Post release version bump


build: Version 3.38.1
Revert "screen: Use clean env when creating new tab"
    The patch is correct, but it exposes a deficiency in the desktop
    environment in that the WM/shell's environment contains necessary
    env vars (e.g. ssh-agent variables) that are missing from the
    systemd --user / d-bus activation environment.  The desktop will
    need to update the activation environment, but until that is done,
    reverting the patch will revert gnome-terminal to the previous
    behaviour of effectively using the environment of the client
    of the first terminal created for all new terminals opened via
    new terminal/tab/window.
    This reverts commit 9bb94e3aab84ecc4e7733d0ee001ee50256bd273.
    (cherry picked from commit 57ea15c4bdf15247f1d403aa24fb18efe23cd8a7)
build: Post release version bump

comment:27 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



News in 3.37.1, 2020-04-24
* Remove the support for X11 workspaces.
  See: commit d0728e7d0c3e7fdc58f03f0af4e0ce64eb7aef6e
* gedit no longer depends on X11, gedit is now a native app on Wayland.
* Remove the support for the org.gnome.desktop.lockdown GSettings.
  See: commit b6728797d6b308b46cf4e0dae4493dc62d3decda
* Some updates to the user manual.
* Improvements to the keyboard shortcuts window.
* Build system: various small improvements.
* Update the Flatpak.
* Other small improvements and code refactorings.
* A few bug fixes.
* Translation updates.

Changes for plugins:
* Bump API version to 3.38.
* Remove all deprecated APIs.
* See the list of API breaks and new deprecations in the API reference.

* Move some utility functions to the Tepl library.
* Refactor and move some I/O error infobars to Tepl.
* GeditView now inherits from TeplView.
* Port to the new Tepl metadata API.
* Use TeplStyleSchemeChooserWidget.


News in 3.37.2, 2020-05-29
* gedit is now available on the Microsoft Store!
* Remove the checkupdate plugin (no longer useful).
* GSettings: revisit the set of plugins activated by default.
* Change app description.
* Write a script to have a list of plugins with their description.
* Documentation updates.
* About dialog: have the gedit icon, not the old logo.
* Many improvements to the build system.
* Fix a few bugs.
* Add a few keyboard shortcuts to the Shortcuts window.
* Updates to the Flatpak and Snap.
* Translation updates.

* Create GeditFactory class, subclass of TeplAbstractFactory.
* Use tepl_application_handle_metadata().


News in 3.37.3, 2020-07-03
* Start to migrate to GtkFileChooserNative.
* User manual: remove the page with the list of keyboard shortcuts, it was
  redundant with the new Shortcuts window.
* Translation updates.


News in 3.37.92, 2020-09-04
* A few code refactorings.
* CI: small update.
* Translation updates.


News in 3.38.0, 2020-09-11
* Translation updates.

comment:28 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago



3.37.1 - April 25, 2020

 * Address bar completion can now jump to tabs in other windows (#117)
 * Suppress navigation buttons with apple-mobile-web-app-capable (#212)
 * Add bookmarks import from Chrome/Chromium (#352)
 * Add bookmarks import from HTML files (#483, ignapk)
 * Fix Ctrl+Tab shortcut immediately after opening new tab (#890)
 * Fix Ctrl+Tab shortcut after using Ctrl+F (#911, Andrei Lisita)
 * Disable close actions in pinned tab context menu (#998)
 * Add Ctrl+K shortcut to search in default engine (#1088, Andrei Lisita)
 * Add confirmation dialog before deleting all passwords (#1094)
 * Set reasonable limit on address bar autocompletions (#1096, #1155)
 * Update highlight.js (#1124)
 * Invert back/forward shortcuts in keyboard shortcuts dialog in RTL locales (#1145)
 * Fix crash in web app creation dialog (#1151)
 * Fix two windows opened by new window action (#1152)
 * Increase back/forward button size in narrow mode (#1163)
 * Avoid using deprecated libnotify (#1168)
 * Add web app shortcuts to keyboard shortcuts dialog (!560, Sabri Ãœnal)
 * Remove "Epiphany" from user agent header (!595)
 * Mobile user agent now depends on chassis type (!601)
 * Hide new tab and reload buttons in narrow mode (!612, #1162)
 * Update gvdb (!615)
 * Fix various web app memory issues (!616)
 * Rename security popover settings (!620)
 * Improve transition to/from narrow mode (!627, Alexander Mikhaylenko)


3.37.2 - May 29, 2020

 * Search provider now offers to load URLs, rather than search the web (#150)
 * Redesigned password management dialog (#225)
 * Add user script support (like Greasemonkey) (#298)
 * Fix and reenable test-ephy-web-view (#378)
 * Import passwords from Chrome/Chromium (#424, #1187)
 * Drop duplicate bookmarks during bookmark import (#485)
 * Highlight active tab in mobile page view (#760)
 * Allow drag and drop from downloads popover (#766)
 * Allow opening multiple pages in history dialog (#862)
 * Fix non-default search engines appearing in search provider (#923)
 * Remove 10-tab limit on reopen closed tabs (#991)
 * Remove secret service access from flatpak builds (#1009)
 * Add keyboard shortcut to duplicate tab (#1167)
 * Update to highlight.js 10.0.2 (#1171, #1176)
 * Distribute unpacked version of highlight.js (#1173)
 * Restore bookmark tag search in URL entry (#1177)
 * Use GNotification and switch to appropriate tab when notification is clicked (#1180)
 * Fix bookmark lockdown enabled when current page cannot be bookmarked (#1196)
 * Refactor incognito recoloring and support HighContrastInverse (!626, Alexander Mikhaylenko)
 * Fix crash loading about:applications (!636)
 * Fix duplicate bookmarks causing import to go haywire (!639, ignapk)
 * Improve maintainability of preferences dialog (!651, Andrei Lisita)
 * Improve title and icon selection for web apps (!654)
 * Add import/export menu (!658)
 * Drop raised style for back/forward buttons (!665, Alexander Mikhaylenko)
 * Update images in user help (!677, Vanadiae)


3.37.3 - July 2, 2020

 * Add ephy-reader: URI scheme for reader mode (#50)
 * Allow muting individual tabs (#311)
 * Add paste as plaintext context menu option (#415)
 * Fix crash when setting homepage (#610)
 * Add --search command line option (#630)
 * Add run in background option for web apps (#673)
 * Allow reordering pinned tabs (#782)
 * Improve writes to Safe Browsing database (#790)
 * Pre-fill search bar with selected text (#809)
 * Fix a test (#829)
 * Redesign Privacy pages in preferences dialog (#1057, Andrei Lisita)
 * Fix various memory leaks in history code (#1178)
 * Fix insecure form focused warning (#1186)
 * Refactor PDF code (#1189, !696)
 * Fix back/forward mouse gesture (#1204)
 * Add option to immediately switch to a new tab (#1209)
 * Fix web app notifications (#1228)
 * Update to highlight.js 10.1.0 (#1230, Jim Mason)
 * Fix serif font setting not working properly (#1231)
 * Fix Firefox Sync not working under flatpak (#1233)
 * Improve suggested filename for PDF downloads (#1235)
 * Notifications now display correctly in mobile mode (#1247)
 * Remove mobile user agent since it doesn't work well (!601)
 * Add line numbers in view source mode (!674, Jim Mason)
 * Disable set image as wallpaper under flatpak (!679, Vanadiae)
 * Select entire address bar on Ctrl+L (!685)
 * Update readability.js (!692)
 * Various UI cleanups and improvements (!695, Alexander Mikhaylenko)
 * Default custom fonts to 12pt (!705)
 * Add dark mode support in view source mode (!706, Jim Mason)
 * Add per-site autoplay policy permission (!712, Charlie Turner)
 * Improve safety of Firefox Sync code (!716)
 * Update to PDF.js 2.4.456 (!718)
 * Link buttons on search engines dialog (!722, Vanadiae)
 * Update to libhandy master (Alexander Mikhaylenko)


3.37.90 - August 6, 2020

 * Always show Go Home button in Pantheon unless homepage is about:blank (#3)
 * Allow self-hosted sync servers (#22)
 * Flash notebook arrow when new tab is not visible (#48, #1262)
 * Warn when reloading page would lose form data (#195)
 * Don't display duplicate in-app notifications from sync service (#446)
 * Store HTTP auth passwords in password manager (#719)
 * Hide action bar in fullscreen narrow mode (#813)
 * Add favicon for about:overview (#848)
 * Add history dialog selection mode (#903, !790, Andrei Lisita)
 * Downloads popover can now open download directory under flatpak (#948)
 * Fix favicons in tab labels on hidpi displays (#999, Stephan Verbücheln)
 * Print fewer warnings when sync data is invalid (#1019)
 * Add captive portal helper (#1061)
 * Use Ctrl+? to open keyboard shortcuts dialog (#1078, Vanadiae)
 * Ensure saved PDFs use the correct filename (#1235)
 * Closing new tabs interferes with order of newly-created tabs (#1240)
 * Fix criticals when deleting entries from History dialog (#1252, Andrei Lisita)
 * Do not expose ephy-pdf: URI scheme in address bar (#1253)
 * Improve behavior of reader mode URI scheme handler (#1255)
 * Add --search to manpage (#1256)
 * Improve background contrast in preferences dialog (#1257)
 * Fix entering ephy-reader: addresses in address bar (#1259)
 * Keep aspect ratio for overview snapshots (#1260)
 * Fix passwords dialog when deleting passwords in search view (#1261, Andrei Lisita)
 * Use Clear Data button on clear data dialog (#1271, Andrei Lisita)
 * Add Intelligent Tracking Prevention, enabled by default (!713)
 * Replace cookie storage prefs with ITP and setting to disable website data (!743)
 * Fix Remove Password button (!758, Andrei Lisita)
 * Enable popup blocking by default (!763)
 * Another major redesign of preferences dialog (!767, Adrien Plazas)
 * Fix build on OpenBSD (!770, Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse)
 * Permission request groundwork for WebRTC (!771)
 * Fix Safe Browsing feature (!776)
 * Various style improvements (!785, !786, Alexander Mikhaylenko)
 * Fix favicons in tab menu on hidpi displays (!787, Stephan Verbücheln)


3.37.91 - August 20, 2020

 * Fix crash when visiting long pages like (#1282)
 * Clarify description of run-in-background setting (#1301)
 * Fix various theme problems (#1312, !797, !798, Alexander Mikhaylenko)
 * Code cleanups and fixes to history dialog (!793, Andrei Lisita)


3.37.92 - September 04, 2020

 * Fix download animation appearing twice (#1236)
 * Fix criticals when opening preferences dialog (#1281, Andrei Lisita)
 * Fix mobile-capable web app setting in mobile mode (#1313)
 * Fix web view test with no network available (#1314)
 * Fix rounding error when changing zoom levels (#1316, Zach Harbort)
 * Fix handling of mailto: links (#1324)
 * Open application manager in new tabs (#1325)
 * Disable "set image as wallpaper" function due to issue #1198 (Vanadiae)
 * Don't allow JavaScript to open new windows automatically
 * Fix translations of history dialog title bar


3.38.0 - September 11, 2020

 * Updated translations


3.38.1 - October 6, 2020

 * Fix failure to display new overview items (#1326)
 * Open portal helper in new tab (#1329)
 * Only run portal helper in non-GNOME environments (#1330)
 * Prevent configuring the same language multiple times (#1335, Andrei Lisita)
 * Run in Background setting should use a checkbox, not a radio button (#1337)
 * Fix new ephy-reader: URIs (#1339)
 * Show placeholder icon for pinned pages without favicon (#1351)
 * Fix opening custom CSS and JS under flatpak (#1352)
 * Remove ad-hoc query parameter stripping (!812)
 * Fix criticals when starting web apps (!828)
 * Fix launching system web apps (!835, Alexander Mikhaylenko)
 * Remove rogue underscore from title of Add Language dialog

comment:29 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
Summary: GNOME 3.38 Applications - gnome-screenshot gnome-disk-utility evolution gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor gedit epiphany gnome-maps gnome-terminal file-rollerGNOME 3.38 Applications











Fixed at r23830

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