Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#2315 closed task (fixed)

Several issues in current stable LFS book. Part 3.

Reported by: Arthur Demchenkov Owned by: bdubbs@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.5
Component: Errata Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


Section 7.12.1

sed -i -e 's/write_cd_rules/& mode/' \

When I run this command I get: sed: can't read /etc/udev/rules.d/75-cd-aliases-generator.rules: No such file or directory

Probably you mean /lib/udev/rules.d/ instead of /etc/udev/... ?

Section 7.12.2

... and sound card configuration can be found in BLFS.

It's better to change BLFS link from general to corresponding part of the book. I mean changing from to


zdiff and zcmp don't work as expected (no output at all) bzdiff works fine in opposite to gzip's crap. To solve this one can rewrite bzip2's analogous scripts to make them work with gzip archives (these are ordinary bash scripts). Getting this scripts from Debian is also a good idea.


Annoying absence of tar man page in LFS. Why can't we just take one from some distro? Probably man is more convenient and frequently used by linux users than info.


There's little ?bug? . The patch is in attachment. And I propose to introduce one more service script. It's in attachment too.

Change History (9)

by Arthur Demchenkov, 16 years ago

Prevents error messages ip writes if network device is already brought down

by Arthur Demchenkov, 16 years ago

Attachment: custom-service.tar.bz2 added

The service file and example of usage

comment:1 by Matthew Burgess, 16 years ago

Milestone: 7.0

comment:2 by bdubbs@…, 16 years ago

Component: BookErrata
Milestone: 7.06.4

comment:3 by gerard@…, 16 years ago

Milestone: 6.47.0

comment:4 by gerard@…, 16 years ago

Some of the items in this ticket that are Errata material need to be merged with likewise errata material from #2310 and conglomerate into a dedicated errata ticket.

comment:5 by bdubbs@…, 16 years ago

Milestone: 7.06.5
Owner: changed from lfs-book@… to bdubbs@…
Status: newassigned

comment:6 by bdubbs@…, 16 years ago

Fixed the bootscript issue in revision 8887. Will not add suggested user specific additions to the bootscripts. Still working on other issues.

comment:7 by bdubbs@…, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Changed /etc/udev/rules.d/ to /lib/udev/rules.d/ in two places.

Updated the blfs link to point to view/svn/postlfs/devices.html

Added a sed to fix zdiff.

Fixed in revision 8890.

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