Custom Query (32 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#20353 intel-microcode-20240910 new enhancement elevated 12.3 BOOK
#12241 vim-9.1.xxxx (Sync with LFS) new enhancement normal pre-release BOOK
#16962 ImageMagick (Update before next release) new enhancement normal pre-release BOOK
#18520 Update x264 before each release new enhancement normal pre-release BOOK
#18562 Review Python dependencies leading up to release new enhancement normal pre-release BOOK
#18586 libpeas-2.0.0 (new ABI version, wait until something needs it) new enhancement normal 99-Waiting BOOK
#19540 SDL3-3.1.0 (Preview, wait for final release and (a package needing it or sdl2-compat)) new enhancement normal 99-Waiting BOOK
#19968 llvm-18.1.8 (Wait for next version) new enhancement normal 99-Waiting BOOK
#19985 libclc-18.1.8 (Wait for next release) new enhancement normal 99-Waiting BOOK
#20077 js-128 (spidermonkey) new enhancement normal gnome-47 BOOK
#20111 seamonkey-2.53.19 (Hold for stable release) new enhancement normal 99-Waiting BOOK
#20337 eog-47.0 new enhancement normal gnome-47 BOOK
#20347 systemd-256.6 (Wait for 257?) new enhancement normal 12.3 BOOK
#20351 plasma-6.1.5 for lxqt: kwayland libkscreen layer-shell-qt (Wait until December) new enhancement normal 99-Waiting BOOK
#20352 gucharmap-16.0.0 new enhancement normal gnome-47 BOOK
#20362 kde-gear-24.08.1 falkon kate (Wait until December) new enhancement normal 99-Waiting BOOK
#20363 gnome-bluetooth-47.0 new enhancement normal gnome-47 BOOK
#20364 epiphany-46.4 new enhancement normal 12.3 BOOK
#20365 libreoffice- new enhancement normal 12.3 BOOK
#20367 kde frameworks-6.6.0 extra-cmake-modules kconfig kidletime kwindowsystem solid (Wait untill december) new enhancement normal 99-Waiting BOOK
#20368 x265-4.0 new enhancement normal 12.3 BOOK
#20369 libshumate-1.3.0 new enhancement normal 12.3 BOOK
#20370 gnome-maps-47.0 new enhancement normal gnome-47 BOOK
#20372 gspell-1.14.0 new enhancement normal 12.3 BOOK
#20378 gedit-48.0 new enhancement normal gnome-47 BOOK
#20383 gnome-shell gnome-shell-extensions-47.0 new enhancement normal gnome-47 BOOK
#20384 gnome-user-docs-47.0 new enhancement normal gnome-47 BOOK
#20385 mutter-47.0 new enhancement normal gnome-47 BOOK
#20386 gnome-calculator-47.0 new enhancement normal gnome-47 BOOK
#20387 gnome-system-monitor-47.0 new enhancement normal gnome-47 BOOK
#20388 gnome-terminal-3.54.0 new enhancement normal gnome-47 BOOK
#20389 vte-0.78.0 new enhancement normal gnome-47 BOOK
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