Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#10571 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 8.3
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 7 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Bruce Dubbs
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 7 years ago

EGL-0.3.30 2018-03-19


gegl_buffer_get now treats the final argument, which used to control only abyss behavior as a bit-field that also can have interpolation method to use when scaling down from the next larger mipmap level, valid values are GEGL_BUFFER_FILTER_NEAREST, GEGL_BUFFER_FILTER_BILINEAR, GEGL_BUFFER_FILTER_BOXFILTER and GEGL_BUFFER_FILTER_AUTO.

All scaling is now done on linear data, making future results of mipmap computations more valid as well as providing correct results for scaled down thumbnails in user interfaces. Optimized code paths have been added for 8bit buffers (using 12bit linear as processing space) and other formats like 16bit float are now correctly handled by going through generic code paths.

The scaling code paths has also been instrumented and optimized for performance. Improvements to pixel data fetching and setting functions leads to performance boosts across many GEGL operations, as well as display code paths in GEGL using applications. For some performance critical display cases performance should have improved 2-3x over last release.

Improvements to logic switching to boxfiltering behavior and improve cubic samplers box filtering by using a linear sampler and a nearest sampler for the boxfiltering for the linear sampler. This slows down scaling down with the cubic sampler by half, but is less prone to aliasing, while keeping the faster code paths for the fast but not as bad as nearest - bilinear.

gegl_buffer_copy gegl_buffer_clear and gegl_buffer_set color now only emit a single changed signal on the buffer.


c2g and stress have gained the ability to toggle the influence of the shadow neighborhood or not, the new default is to not improve shadow detail; yielding a bit more natural renditions.

color-to-alpha now contains improvements from experiment in workshop which is gone.

Fixed crahses in median-blur.

Transform ops:

Only rasterize inside the transformed polygon, saving cpu. The optimizations mentioned for GeglBuffer giving boosts and improved quality.

New ops:

Mean-curvature blur.

News ops in workshop:

color-overlay, enlarge, inpaint, domain-transform, recursive=transform.

GEGL-0.3.28 2018-01-23


A new GeglStats object, which provides realtime statistics/profiling for use in UIs. Automatically copy-on-write clone input buffers for auto-threading of operations.


Many significant optimizations as well as a correctness improvement, mipmap scaling and rendering is now done correctly in linear space, thus GIMP will not only produce the right results but also avoid gamma errors in thumbnails and viewport.

Among the signifcant performance boosters are per buffer-instance tile queues, adaptive sampler pre-fetch caching and dedicated code paths for fetching columns of pixels. Along with many multi-threadedness improvements due to more significant testing.


Mipmap tuning and performance improvements to gaussian blur added dedicated code paths for nearest sampler in transform ops. more generic RGBE file handling ff-load: permit decoding audio files as well as video files. various code cleanups

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at revision 20007.

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