Custom Query (21316 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 21316)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#96 mc-4.6.0 iwanek@… defect high BOOK
#115 wget-1.8.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#116 bc-1.06 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#117 nano-1.2.2 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#118 pciutils-2.1.11 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#119 popt-1.7 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#120 whois-4.6.6 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#121 nmap-3.30 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#122 fluxbox-0.9.5 larry@… defect high BOOK
#123 joe-2.9.8 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#124 xfsprogs-2.5.6 billy@… defect high BOOK
#125 ruby-1.8.0 larry@… defect high BOOK
#126 slang-1.4.9 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#127 w3m-0.4.1 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#128 j2sdk-1.4.1/jdk-1.4.2_01 tushar@… defect high BOOK
#129 slrn- billy@… defect high BOOK
#132 gnat-3.15p larry@… defect high BOOK
#133 gcc-3.3.1 larry@… defect high BOOK
#135 sawfish-1.3 larry@… defect high BOOK
#136 gmp-4.1.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#137 gdbm-1.8.3 larry@… defect high BOOK
#139 librep-0.16.1 larry@… defect high BOOK
#140 slrn- billy@… defect high BOOK
#141 enlightenment-0.16.5 larry@… defect high BOOK
#142 fnlib-0.5 larry@… defect high BOOK
#143 BIND-9.2.3 billy@… defect high BOOK
#145 qmail inetd.conf entry blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#147 TeX-2.0.2 billy@… defect high BOOK
#149 TeX patch correction. blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#150 xml-docbook-4.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#151 lame-3.93.1 larry@… defect high BOOK
#152 Running a CVS server. billy@… defect high BOOK
#154 qmail boostcripts. blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#155 sendmail config blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#156 qpopper-4.0.5 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#157 lesstiff-0.93.46 larry@… defect high BOOK
#158 gtk-doc-1.0 larry@… defect high BOOK
#159 linc-1.0.3 larry@… defect high BOOK
#160 libungif(small typo) blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#161 libxml2 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#162 gdbm-1.8.0 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#163 gmp-4.1 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#164 whois blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#165 mutt needs mail group to install blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#166 slrn depends on an MTA to configure. blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#167 sendmail-8.12.6 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#168 sendmail-8.12.6 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#169 gnome-common-1.2.4 larry@… defect high BOOK
#170 libIDL-0.8.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#171 ORBit2-2.6.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#172 libart_lgpl-2.3.11 larry@… defect high BOOK
#173 libzvt-2.0.1 larry@… defect high BOOK
#174 libbonobo-2.2.3 larry@… defect high BOOK
#175 libgnome-2.2.3 larry@… defect high BOOK
#176 libgnomecanvas-2.2.1 larry@… defect high BOOK
#177 libbonoboui-2.2.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#178 libgnomeui-2.2.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#179 libwnck-2.2.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#180 libgnomeprint- larry@… defect high BOOK
#181 libgnomeprintui- larry@… defect high BOOK
#182 gnome-desktop-2.2.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#183 gnome-panel- larry@… defect high BOOK
#184 gnome-session-2.2.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#185 librsvg-2.2.5 larry@… defect high BOOK
#186 gail-1.2.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#187 eel-2.2.4 larry@… defect high BOOK
#188 libgtkhtml-2.2.4 larry@… defect high BOOK
#189 gnome-utils-2.2.3 larry@… defect high BOOK
#190 gnome-terminal-2.2.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#191 gnome-games-2.2.1 larry@… defect high BOOK
#192 bug-buddy-2.2.106 larry@… defect high BOOK
#193 libfam changes for gcc-3.2 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#195 eog-2.2.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#196 nautilus-2.2.4 larry@… defect high BOOK
#197 portmap blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#198 yelp-2.2.3 larry@… defect high BOOK
#199 gnome-system-monitor-2.0.5 larry@… defect high BOOK
#201 gedit-2.2.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#202 Mozilla 1.4 tushar@… defect high BOOK
#203 teTeX configuration changes. blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#204 GConf-1.0.9 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#205 gnome-vfs-1.0.5 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#206 galeon-1.3.7 larry@… defect high BOOK
#207 gnome2-user-docs-2.0.6 larry@… defect high BOOK
#208 koffice-1.2.1 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#209 at-spi-1.1.9 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#210 libgail-gnome-1.0.2 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#211 gconf-editor-0.4.1 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#212 gdm- blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#213 Linux-PAM-0.77 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#214 pan-0.14.0 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#215 gnumeric-1.2.0 larry@… defect high BOOK
#217 abiword-2.0.0 larry@… defect high BOOK
#218 bind 9 bootscripts blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#219 samba configuration blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#220 expat 1.95.6 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#221 readline-4.3 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#225 MPlayer-0.90pre8 larry@… defect high BOOK
#226 avifile-0.7.38 larry@… defect high BOOK
#229 libesmtp-1.0 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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