Opened 20 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#1173 closed defect (fixed)


Reported by: petri.koistinen@… Owned by: Randy McMurchy
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


Version increment (8.0.0)

Change History (7)

comment:1 by bdubbs@…, 20 years ago

Current version is not 8.0.1

comment:2 by petri.koistinen@…, 20 years ago


Version increment (8.0.1)

comment:3 by Randy McMurchy, 20 years ago

Summary: PostgreSQL 8PostgreSQL-8.0.1

Some notes on the new 8.0.1 version.

  1. The existing patch is still needed, and it installs OK with fuzz and offset.
  1. I cannot see why Apache Ant is listed as a dependency. It has been in there

since BLFS-5.1 or earlier, but the best I can tell, it doesn't look for it or use it.

  1. The step in the instructions that does "make install-all-headers" is not

used any longer. The server include files are installed in the standard "make install" step.

  1. Several new programs have been added, and a couple removed.
  1. (nothing required for the book, but just FYI), the libpgtcl client side

stuff has been removed and is now a separate project.

comment:4 by Randy McMurchy, 20 years ago

Milestone: future6.1
Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to Randy McMurchy
Priority: highnormal
rep_platform: PCAll

Changing the patch to find the correct stylesheets to a sed command to facilitate an easier fix if the DSSSL stylesheets are updated.

comment:5 by Randy McMurchy, 20 years ago

Status: newassigned

comment:6 by Randy McMurchy, 20 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Updated BLFS to PostgreSQL-8.0.1. Changed DSSSL patch a sed. Updated dependencies. Removed 'install-all-headers' instruction.

comment:7 by (none), 16 years ago

Milestone: 6.1

Milestone 6.1 deleted

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