Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#13034 closed enhancement (fixed)

docutils-0.16 (Python Module)

Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 9.1
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 5 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Bruce Dubbs
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 5 years ago

* Installing with ```` will require setuptools_ in versions > 0.16.
* HTML5 writer:
    Use the new semantic tags <main>, <section>, <header>,
    <footer>, <aside>, <figure>, and <figcaption>.
    See ``minimal.css`` and ``plain.css`` for styling rule examples.

    Use HTML text-level tags <small>, <s>, <q>, <dfn>, <var>, <samp>, <kbd>,
    <i>, <b>, <u>, <mark>, and <bdi> if a matching class value
    is found in `inline` and `literal` elements.
    Use HTML tags <ins> and <del> if a matching class value
    is found in `inline`, `literal`, or `container` elements.

* LaTeX writer:
    Wrap admonitions in a "DUclass" environment. Stylesheets modifying
    "\DUadmonition" will need to adapt.
    Styling commands using ``\docutilsrole`` prefix will be ignored in
    versions > 0.16 (see `Generating LaTeX with Docutils`__).

    __ docs/user/latex.html#classes
* ``Node.traverse()`` will return an iterator instead of a list.
* Remove ``utils.unique_combinations``
  (obsoleted by ``itertools.combinations``).
* If the id_prefix_ setting is non-empty, leading number and hyphen characters
  will not be stripped from a `reference name`_ during `identifier
  normalization`_. This may change generated `identifier keys`.

  Example: with ``--id-prefix="DU-"``, a section with title "34. May"
  currently gets the identifier key ``DU-may`` and after the change the
  identifier key ``DU-34-may``.

* The default value for auto_id_prefix_ will change to "%". This means
  auto-generated IDs will use the tag name as prefix. Set auto_id_prefix_ to
  "id" if you want unchanged auto-IDs or to "%" if you want descriptive IDs.

* The default HTML writer "html" with frontend ```` may change
  from "html4css1" to "html5".

  Use ``get_writer_by_name('html')`` or the rst2html.py_ front end, if you
  want the output to be up-to-date automatically.

  Use a specific writer name or front end, if you depend on stability of the
  generated HTML code, e.g. because you use a custom style sheet or
  post-processing that may break otherwise.

Release 0.16b (2019-12-01)

.. Note::

   Docutils 0.15.x is the last version supporting Python 2.6, 3.3 and 3.4.

   Docutils 0.16.x supports Python 2.7 and Python >= 3.5 natively,
   without the use of the ``2to3`` tool.

* reStructuredText:

  - Keep `backslash escapes`__ in the document tree. This allows, e.g.,
    escaping of author-separators in `bibliographic fields`__.

  __ docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#bibliographic-fields

* LaTeX writer:

  - Informal titles of type "rubric" default to bold-italic and left aligned.
  - Deprecate ``\docutilsrole`` prefix for styling commands:
    use ``\DUrole`` instead.
  - Fix topic subtitle.
  - Add "latex writers" to the `config_section_dependencies`.
  - Ignore classes for `rubric` elements
    (class wrapper interferes with LaTeX formatting).

* tools/

  - New option "--html-writer" allows to select "html__" (default),
    "html4" or "html5".

  __ html: docs/user/html.html#html

* docutils/

  - Remove the `handle_io_errors` option from io.FileInput/Output.

* docutils/

  - If `auto_id_prefix`_ ends with "%", this is replaced with the tag name.

  .. _auto_id_prefix: docs/user/config.html#auto-id-prefix

* Various bugfixes and improvements (see HISTORY_).

Release 0.15 (2019-07-20)

.. Note::

   Docutils 0.14.x is the last version supporting Python 2.4, 2.5,
   3.1, and 3.2.

   Docutils 0.15.x is compatible with Python versions 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3 to 3.5
   (cf. `Python 3 compatibility`_).

* reStructuredText:

  - Allow embedded colons in field list field names (before, tokens like
    ``:this:example:`` were considered ordinary text).

  - Fixed a bug with the "trim" options of the "unicode" directive.

* languages: Added Korean localisation (ko).

* Bugfixes (see HISTORY_).

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at revision 22582.

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