Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#14711 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.0
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


New version.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Bruce Dubbs
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

  • Fix a few mistyped keycode references
  • add a job to build with meson from the autotools tarball
  • autotools: add the keysym-generator script to EXTRA_DIST
  • remove trailing whitespaces
  • gitlab CI: add an autotools distcheck job

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at revision 24319.

comment:4 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago


This release is mostly all about keysyms. Some additions to Vietnamese and
Hangul but the big set of commits here is catching up with several years of
Linux kernel releases.

The kernel's evdev interface has semantic keycodes (e.g. KEY_ESC is what
you'd expect). Beyond the normal range expected to change with different
layouts there are many keycodes that should only ever do one thing.
For example, KEY_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD should display the OSK regardless of
layout). In the past, we've added these keysyms on a as-requested basis.

We now have a reserved subrange in the already reserved range for XF86Foo
keysyms. Within that range, keysyms map directly to their evdev
counterparts, making future updates easier. The above example
KEY_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD now has a XF86OnScreenKeyboard keysym.
The header file follows a strict convention to make this range
machine-readable, xkeyboard-config can make use of this to
make those keysyms available by default. Note that almost all keys are
outside the X keycode range so very little will change under X.

Note that most keys exist on selected devices only so the practial use is
quite limited. But those keysyms are available through normal XKB
configuration so users can re-map existing keys where needed.

Aside from those, a bit of misc cleanup work. Many thanks to all

Alan Coopersmith (3):
      Fix spelling/wording issues
      Xfuncproto: define _X_NONSTRING for __attribute__((nonstring))
      XKB: Mark key name arrays as not NUL-terminated strings

Peter Hutterer (28):
      Remove misleading comment about not adding syms to XF86keysym.h
      gitlab CI: add a basic build test
      XF86keysym.h: reserve a range for Linux kernel keysyms
      XF86keysyms.h: add new keycodes from kernel v5.10
      XF86keysyms.h: add new keycodes from kernel v5.6
      XF86keysyms.h: add new keycodes from kernel v5.5
      XF86keysyms.h: add new keycodes from kernel v5.2
      XF86keysyms.h: add new keycodes from kernel v5.1
      XF86keysyms.h: add comment for new keycodes from kernel v4.16
      XF86keysyms.h: add new keycodes from kernel v4.13
      XF86keysyms.h: add new keycodes from kernel v4.12
      XF86keysyms.h: add new keycodes from kernel v4.7
      XF86keysyms.h: add new keycodes from kernel v4.1
      XF86keysyms.h: add new keycodes from kernel v3.18
      XF86keysyms.h: add new keycodes from kernel v3.16
      XF86keysyms.h: add new keycodes from kernel v3.13
      XF86keysyms.h: add new keycodes from kernel v3.10
      XF86keysyms.h: add comment for new keycodes from kernel v3.1
      XF86keysyms.h: add some keycodes from 2.6.3x kernels
      XF86keysyms.h: add some keycodes from 2.6.2x kernels
      XF86keysyms.h: add comments for some keycodes from 2.6.1x kernels
      XF86keysyms.h: add some keycodes from kernels 2.6.11 and earlier
      XF86keysym.h: fix a few references to invalid keys
      scripts: use a named pattern for the hexcode check in comments
      scripts: make sure all "Use: XK_Foo" comments point to existing symbols
      gitlab CI: add an autotools distcheck job remove trailing whitespaces
      xorgproto 2021.2

Povilas Kanapickas (9):
      specs: Fix grammar (duplicate word)
      specs: Fix incorrect wording for ignored parameter
      specs: Only key code can be grabbed, not key symbol
      specs: Improve consistency of grammar in a list
      specs: Use non-hyphenated spelling of nonzero
      specs: Fix example of touch event processing
      specs: Improve description of detail field in DeviceEvent
      specs: Improve description of detail field in XIPassiveGrabDevice
      specs: Make links between XI2 enum and event names explicit

Samuel Thibault (4):
      keysymdef: Add vietnamese dead accents
      keysymdef: Add Hangul unicode equivalents
      keysymdef.h: Fix the documented perl regexp
      keysymdef: Fix left/rightanglebracket Unicode equivalent

orbea (2):
      pkgconfig: Drop exec_prefix from the files.
      meson: Use configure_file for pc files.

git tag: xorgproto-2021.2

comment:5 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Milestone: 10.211.0

Milestone renamed

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