Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#14790 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.0
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Bugs fixed in NSS 3.63

    Bug 1688374 - Fix parallel build NSS-3.61 with make.
    Bug 1697380 - Make a clang-format run on top of helpful contributions.
    Bug 1683520 - ECCKiila P384, change syntax of nested structs initialization to prevent build isses with GCC 4.8.
    Bug 1683520 - [lib/freebl/ecl] P-384: allow zero scalars in dual scalar multiplication.
    Bug 1683520 - ECCKiila P521, change syntax of nested structs initialization to prevent build isses with GCC 4.8.
    Bug 1683520 - [lib/freebl/ecl] P-521: allow zero scalars in dual scalar multiplication.
    Bug 1696800 - HACL* update March 2021 - c95ab70fcb2bc21025d8845281bc4bc8987ca683.
    Bug 1694214 - tstclnt can't enable middlebox compat mode.
    Bug 1694392 - NSS does not work with PKCS #11 modules not supporting profiles.
    Bug 1685880 - Minor fix to prevent unused variable on early return.
    Bug 1685880 - Fix for the gcc compiler version 7 to support setenv with nss build.
    Bug 1693217 - Increase nssckbi.h version number for March 2021 batch of root CA changes, CA list version 2.48.
    Bug 1692094 - Set email distrust after to 21-03-01 for Camerfirma's 'Chambers of Commerce' and 'Global Chambersign' roots.
    Bug 1618407 - Symantec root certs - Set CKA_NSS_EMAIL_DISTRUST_AFTER.
    Bug 1693173 - Add GlobalSign R45, E45, R46, and E46 root certs to NSS.
    Bug 1683738 - Add AC RAIZ FNMT-RCM SERVIDORES SEGUROS root cert to NSS.
    Bug 1686854 - Remove GeoTrust PCA-G2 and VeriSign Universal root certs from NSS.
    Bug 1687822 - Turn off Websites trust bit for the “Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G3” root cert in NSS.
    Bug 1692094 - Turn off Websites Trust Bit for 'Chambers of Commerce Root - 2008' and 'Global Chambersign Root - 2008’.
    Bug 1694291 - Tracing fixes for ECH.

"This version of NSS contains a significant update to the root CAs."

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at r24405

comment:4 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Milestone: 10.211.0

Milestone renamed

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