#14884 closed enhancement (fixed)
Reported by: | Douglas R. Reno | Owned by: | Douglas R. Reno |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | 11.0 |
Component: | BOOK | Version: | SVN |
Severity: | normal | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
New major version
Change History (10)
comment:1 by , 4 years ago
Owner: | changed from | to
Status: | new → assigned |
comment:2 by , 4 years ago
comment:4 by , 4 years ago
Added/Removed API report can be found here: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/blob/maint/maint-69/icu4c/APIChangeReport.html
Thank you to Ken and Xi for patches. I'll drop those in with this update.
comment:5 by , 4 years ago
Common Changes CLDR 39 For Norwegian, "no" is back to being the canonical code, with "nb" treated as equivalent. This aligns handling of Norwegian with other macro language codes. No new locales, but many improvements and bug fixes; see the CLDR release page Number and measurement unit formatting: Measurement unit case and gender (technology preview) (ICU-21123) unitDisplayCase() setter on NumberFormatter to set grammatical case FormattedNumber::getGender() to return the grammatical gender of the output unit These APIs currently deal in strings: this will change in a future release Binary prefixes in measurement units (KiB, MiB, etc.) (ICU-21357) Formatting of custom compound units (ICU-20941) New option to remove fraction digits on whole numbers ($1.99, $2, $2.01) (ICU-20886) New sign display option "negative" (not on negative zero) (ICU-21484) New resolution for fraction-significant rounding (ICU-20019) NumberRangeFormatter supports span fields (ICU-20421) Time zone offsets from local time: New APIs BasicTimeZone::getOffsetFromLocal() (C++ & Java) and ucal_getTimeZoneOffsetFromLocal() (ICU-21372 & ICU-21490) Time zone data (tzdata) version 2021a (2021-jan)
ICU4C specific changes:
ICU4C Specific Changes New NumberFormatter rounding modes: half-odd, half-ceiling, half-floor (ICU-21493) By default, the Layout Extensions library is no longer built even if HarfBuzz is available. (ICU-13837) API Changes since ICU4C 68
Migration issues:
New in ICU 69 CLDR 39 changes the relationship of language codes for the Norwegian language. Formerly, "nb" was the main locale, and "no" was an alias to it. With this change, "no" is now the main locale, and both "nb" and "nn" inherit from "no". This will be visible in locale canonicalization and in APIs that return lists of available locales. Code that assumes that a locale with only a language subtag has no parent other than root may need to change. For the LocaleMatcher: Simplified Chinese (zh=zh-Hans=zh-CN) vs. traditional Chinese (zh-Hant=zh-TW) are no longer a match. This will be visible in product behavior. See also other CLDR 39 migration issues.
comment:6 by , 4 years ago
So far, things are looking good as far as ICU-69.1 testing. Note that I'm not using GCC-11.x yet, and will be doing a full rebuild with gcc-11.x after Merged-/usr hits (which I'm still aiming for tomorrow or Friday... depends on how long testing takes on both my SysV system and my systemd system).
Packages I've built:
- harfbuzz
- raptor
- node.js (WITH PATCH)
- boost
- js78
- libical
- libxml2
- vte
- evolution-data-server
- tracker3-miners
- tracker
- samba
- xfsprogs
- gptfdisk
- postfix
- dovecot
- qt5
- libreoffice (surprisingly, no issues - normally LO is very sensitive to changes in ICU)
- seamonkey
I still have the following packages left on my list:
- texlive
- firefox (building right now)
- thunderbird
- webkitgtk (I know this'll need a patch)
- QtWebEngine (relying off Ken for a patch here)
After this testing is complete, I will submit ICU-69.1 and add the relevant patches (at least WebKitGTK+ and Node.JS as of right now) into the book.
The changes required to QtWebEngine can be found here: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/tree/dev-qt/qtwebengine/files/qtwebengine-5.15.2_p20210406-icu69.patch - I don't know if Ken wants me to make a patch for now or to wait on him to put out a new tarball / patch for it.
comment:7 by , 4 years ago
Assuming that QtWebEngine builds without incident overnight, I will drop this in during the morning. I am using both of the patches that Ken submitted.
My original goal for Thursday/Friday will have to be pushed off for a day. I'm still awaiting a backup to finish on my SysV system because I need to clear a partition for the Merged-/usr testing and all the updates that go with that.
In the meantime, I got the following packages tested:
- texlive
- firefox
- thunderbird
- webkitgtk (Patch used)
I will submit this update tomorrow morning with the patches in the book for WebKitGTK+ and Node.JS. I'll then work on my other tickets while I'm waiting on the SysV system to finish testing (with all the applicable LFS updates as well).
comment:8 by , 4 years ago
QtWebEngine looks good as well. Submitting the update and the addition of patches for WebKitGTK+ and Node.JS next.
comment:9 by , 4 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | assigned → closed |
Fixed at @b01309e79e57ea66ec86b7689af029706127d2bb
webkitgtk-2.32.0 FTBFS with it. Patch added into patches.git.