Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#14954 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: thomas
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.0
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version

Change History (4)

comment:1 by thomas, 4 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to thomas
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by thomas, 4 years ago

Changes between v5.6.1 and v5.7:

Benno Schulenberg (62):

  • build: drop the check for two functions that we don't use any more
  • build: fix compilation for --enable-tiny plus --enable-multibuffer
  • build: fix compilation when configured with --disable-multibuffer
  • build: fix compilation when configured with --enable-tiny
  • bump version numbers and add a news item for the 5.7 release
  • chars: implement mblen() ourselves, for efficiency
  • chars: implement mbtowc() ourselves, for more efficiency
  • chars: work around a UTF-8 bug in glibc, to display invalid codes right
  • chars: work around the wrong private-use-character widths on OpenBSD
  • display: avoid determining twice from and until where to draw each row
  • display: make the output of --constantshow less jittery
  • editing: prevent the pointer for the top row from becoming dangling
  • feedback: upon first switch to a buffer, show its error message (if any)
  • files: always register the format, also when the file is unwritable
  • files: create a new buffer earlier, so that error messages can be stored
  • files: when Mac format has been detected, stay with it
  • gnulib: pull in the fix for a build problem on older Debian
  • gnulib: update to its current upstream state
  • indicator: adjust the size to the number of visible lines, not chunks
  • input: accept Unicode codes for non-characters as valid, since they are
  • memory: do not allocate space for multidata when it's already allocated
  • memory: fix an off-by-one error to free also the last line in a group
  • memory: prevent a use-after-free when the user respects a lock file
  • oops: that doesn't work -- you can't break out of two for loops at once
  • options: retire the obsolete 'smooth', 'morespace', and 'nopauses'
  • softwrap: avoid time-consuming computations, to burden large files less
  • startup: do not crash when trying to open a device or directory
  • startup: do not store an error message in the record of another buffer
  • startup: save the compiled file-matching regexes, to avoid recompiling
  • startup: show the helpful message only when G has not been rebound
  • syntax: c: colorize also labels that contain digits, and uncolorize colon
  • syntax: po: improve the coloring of format specifiers
  • syntaxes: replace :space: with :blank: to exclude carriage return
  • tweaks: adjust and improve one comment, and frob another
  • tweaks: adjust two comments, and reshuffle two fragments
  • tweaks: avoid a warning on newer compilers, by writing an extra byte
  • tweaks: avoid calling extra_chunks_in() when not softwrapping
  • tweaks: avoid converting a file name for more than will fit on screen
  • tweaks: avoid parsing a multibyte character twice
  • tweaks: condense three comments, drop another, and rewrap a line
  • tweaks: drop unneeded braces and adjust indentation after previous change
  • tweaks: elide a call of strlen() for every row
  • tweaks: elide a function that is now basically just two lines
  • tweaks: elide an unneeded resetting NULL call to wctomb()
  • tweaks: elide a small function that is used just once
  • tweaks: elide the pointless is_valid_unicode() function
  • tweaks: elide two more instances of useless character copying
  • tweaks: improve a couple of comments
  • tweaks: morph a function into what it is actually used for
  • tweaks: normalize the indentation after an earlier change
  • tweaks: put the most likely condition first, for a quicker return
  • tweaks: reduce the maximum character length from six bytes to four
  • tweaks: remove a misplaced (and nested) #ifdef
  • tweaks: rename a variable, away from an abbreviation
  • tweaks: rename a variable, for contrast with another
  • tweaks: reshuffle a comment, and put the main extension first
  • tweaks: reshuffle a fragment of code, to prepare for the next change
  • tweaks: reshuffle two conditions, to have the most unlikely one first
  • tweaks: set the file format only when unset, so it doesn't need saving
  • tweaks: shorten a comment and trim an #ifdef
  • tweaks: simplify two fragments of code
  • tweaks: simplify two fragments of code, eliding useless character copying

Hussam al-Homsi (1):

  • syntax: c: make the highlighting of '#include <...>' more compliant

Mike Frysinger (1):

  • syntax: tcl: support Expect scripts too

comment:3 by thomas, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed in [e005f99c] (and [8d9de85])

comment:4 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Milestone: 10.211.0

Milestone renamed

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