Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#15085 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: ken@…
Priority: elevated Milestone: 11.0
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Tim Tassonis, 4 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Tim Tassonis
Status: newassigned

Changes with Apache 2.4.48

*) mod_proxy_wstunnel: Add ProxyWebsocketFallbackToProxyHttp to opt-out the

fallback to mod_proxy_http for WebSocket upgrade and tunneling. [Yann Ylavic]

*) mod_proxy: Fix flushing of THRESHOLD_MIN_WRITE data while tunneling.

BZ 65294. [Yann Ylavic]

*) core: Fix a regression that stripped the ETag header from 304 responses.

PR 61820 [Ruediger Pluem, Roy T. Fielding]

*) core: Adding SSL related inquiry functions to the server API.

These function are always available, even when no module providing SSL is loaded. They provide their own "shadowing" implementation for the optional functions of similar name that mod_ssl and impersonators of mod_ssl provide. This enables loading of several SSL providing modules when all but one of them registers itself into the new hooks. Two old-style SSL modules will not work, as they replace the others optional functions with their own. Modules using the old-style optional functions will continue to work as core supplies its own versions of those. The following has been added so far:

  • ap_ssl_conn_is_ssl() to query if a connection is using SSL.
  • ap_ssl_var_lookup() to query SSL related variables for a server/connection/request.
  • Hooks for 'ssl_conn_is_ssl' and 'ssl_var_lookup' where modules providing SSL can install their own value supplying functions.
  • ap_ssl_add_cert_files() to enable other modules like mod_md to provide certificate and keys for an SSL module like mod_ssl.
  • ap_ssl_add_fallback_cert_files() to enable other modules like mod_md to provide a fallback certificate in case no 'proper' certificate is available for an SSL module like mod_ssl.
  • ap_ssl_answer_challenge() to enable other modules like mod_md to provide a certificate as used in the RFC 8555 'tls-alpn-01' challenge for the ACME protocol for an SSL module like mod_ssl. The function and its hook provide PEM encoded data instead of file names.
  • Hooks for 'ssl_add_cert_files', 'ssl_add_fallback_cert_files' and 'ssl_answer_challenge' where modules like mod_md can provide providers to the above mentioned functions.
  • These functions reside in the new 'http_ssl.h' header file. [Stefan Eissing]

*) core/mod_ssl/mod_md: adding OCSP response provisioning as core feature. This

allows modules to access and provide OCSP response data without being tied of each other. The data is exchanged in standard, portable formats (PEM encoded certificates and DER encoded responses), so that the actual SSL/crypto implementations used by the modules are independant of each other. Registration and retrieval happen in the context of a server (server_rec) which modules may use to decide if they are configured for this or not. The area of changes:

  1. core: defines 2 functions in include/http_ssl.h, so that modules may register a certificate, together with its issuer certificate for OCSP response provisioning and ask for current response data (DER bytes) later. Also, 2 hooks are defined that allow modules to implement this OCSP provisioning.
  2. mod_ssl uses the new functions, in addition to what it did already, to register its certificates this way. If no one is interested in providing OCSP, it falls back to its own (if configured) stapling implementation.
  3. mod_md registers itself at the core hooks for OCSP provisioning. Depending on configuration, it will accept registrations of its own certificates only, all certificates or none. [Stefan Eissing]

*) mod_md: v2.4.0 with improvements and bugfixes

  • MDPrivateKeys allows the specification of several types. Beside "RSA" plus optional key lengths elliptic curves can be configured. This means you can have multiple certificates for a Managed Domain with different key types. With MDPrivateKeys secp384r1 rsa2048 you get one ECDSA and one RSA certificate and all modern client will use the shorter ECDSA, while older client will get the RSA certificate. Many thanks to @tlhackque who pushed and helped on this.
  • Support added for MDomains consisting of a wildcard. Configuring MDomain * will match all virtual hosts matching that pattern and obtain one certificate for it (assuming you have 'dns-01' challenge support configured). Addresses #239.
  • Removed support for ACMEv1 servers. The only known installation used to be Let's Encrypt which has disabled that version more than a year ago for new accounts.
  • Andreas Ulm (<>) implemented the renewing call to MDMessageCmd that can deny a certificate renewal attempt. This is useful in clustered installations, as discussed in #233).
  • New event challenge-setup:<type>:<domain>, triggered when the challenge data for a domain has been created. This is invoked before the ACME server is told to check for it. The type is one of the ACME challenge types. This is invoked for every DNS name in a MDomain.
  • The max delay for retries has been raised to daily (this is like all retries jittered somewhat to avoid repeats at fixed time of day).
  • Certain error codes reported by the ACME server that indicate a problem with the configured data now immediately switch to daily retries. For example: if the ACME server rejects a contact email or a domain name, frequent retries will most likely not solve the problem. But daily retries still make sense as there might be an error at the server and un-supervised certificate renewal is the goal. Refs #222.
  • Test case and work around for domain names > 64 octets. Fixes #227. When the first DNS name of an MD is longer than 63 octets, the certificate request will not contain a CN field, but leave it up to the CA to choose one. Currently, Lets Encrypt looks for a shorter name in the SAN list given and fails the request if none is found. But it is really up to the CA (and what browsers/libs accept here) and may change over the years. That is why the decision is best made at the CA.
  • Retry delays now have a random +/-[0-50]% modification applied to let retries from several servers spread out more, should they have been restarted at the same time of day.
  • Fixed several places where the 'badNonce' return code from an ACME server was not handled correctly. The test server 'pebble' simulates this behaviour by default and helps nicely in verifying this behaviour. Thanks, pebble!
  • Set the default MDActivationDelay to 0. This was confusing to users that new certificates were deemed not usably before a day of delay. When clocks are correct, using a new certificate right away should not pose a problem.
  • When handling ACME authorization resources, the module no longer requires the server to return a "Location" header, as was necessary in ACMEv1. Fixes #216.
  • Fixed a theoretical uninitialized read when testing for JSON error responses from the ACME CA. Reported at <>.
  • ACME problem reports from CAs that include parameters in the Content-Type header are handled correctly. (Previously, the problem text would not be reported and retries could exceed CA limits.)
  • Account Update transactions to V2 CAs now use the correct POST-AS-GET method. Previously, an empty JSON object was sent - which apparently LE accepted, but others reject. [Stefan Eissing, @tlhackque, Andreas Ulm]

comment:2 by Tim Tassonis, 4 years ago

I forwarded the layout patch and tested for clean applying, but as I don't use it, I don't really test for it. Should be ok, though, as it is unchanged for a while now.

comment:3 by Tim Tassonis, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed in commit f6b8ec7be9

comment:4 by ken@…, 4 years ago

Priority: normalelevated
Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Reopening because a series of vulnerabilities were announced this week on oss-security. Brief summaries, ignoring the mitigation since we have 2.4.48 in the book - see to for the original posts, and follow links for clarifications.

CVE-2019-17567: mod_proxy_wstunnel tunneling of non Upgraded connections Severity: moderate Versions 2.4.6 to 2.4.46

CVE-2020-13938: Improper Handling of Insufficient Privileges Severity: moderate Versions 2.4.0 to 2.4.47

CVE-2020-13950: mod_proxy_http NULL pointer dereference Severity: low Versions 2.4.41 to 2.4.46

CVE-2020-35452: mod_auth_digest possible stack overflow by one nul byte Severity: low Versions 2.4.0 to 2.4.46

CVE-2021-26690: mod_session NULL pointer dereference Severity: low Versions 2.4.0 to 2.4.46

CVE-2021-26691: mod_session response handling heap overflow Severity: low Versions 2.4.0 to 2.4.46

CVE-2021-30641: Unexpected URL matching with 'MergeSlashes OFF' Severity: moderate Versions 2.4.39 to 2.4.46

Security Advisory to follow.

comment:5 by ken@…, 4 years ago

Owner: changed from Tim Tassonis to ken@…
Status: reopenednew

comment:6 by ken@…, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Advisory SA 10.1-060 created.

comment:7 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Milestone: 10.211.0

Milestone renamed

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