Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#15115 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Tim Tassonis
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.0
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Tim Tassonis, 4 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Tim Tassonis
Status: newassigned
	Added libldap LDAP_OPT_TCP_USER_TIMEOUT support (ITS#9502)
	Added lloadd tcp-user-timeout support (ITS#9502)
	Added slapd-asyncmeta tcp-user-timeout support (ITS#9502)
	Added slapd-ldap tcp-user-timeout support (ITS#9502)
	Added slapd-meta tcp-user-timeout support (ITS#9502)
	Fixed incorrect control OIDs for AuthZ Identity (ITS#9542)
	Fixed libldap typo in util-int.c (ITS#9541)
	Fixed libldap double free of LDAP_OPT_DEFBASE (ITS#9530)
	Fixed libldap better TLS1.3 cipher suite handling (ITS#9521, ITS#9546)
	Fixed lloadd multiple issues (ITS#8747)
	Fixed slapd slap_op_time to avoid duplicates across restarts (ITS#9537)
	Fixed slapd typo in daemon.c (ITS#9541)
	Fixed slapd slapi compilation (ITS#9544)
	Fixed slapd to handle empty DN in extended filters (ITS#9551)
	Fixed slapd syncrepl searches with empty base (ITS#6467)
	Fixed slapd syncrepl refresh on startup (ITS#9324, ITS#9534)
	Fixed slapd abort due to typo (ITS#9561)
	Fixed slapd-asyncmeta quarantine handling (ITS#8721)
	Fixed slapd-asyncmeta to have a default operations timeout (ITS#9555)
	Fixed slapd-ldap quarantine handling (ITS#8721)
	Fixed slapd-mdb deletion of context entry (ITS#9531)
	Fixed slapd-mdb off-by-one affecting search scope (ITS#9557)
	Fixed slapd-meta quarantine handling (ITS#8721)
	Fixed slapo-accesslog to record reqNewDN for modRDN ops (ITS#9552)
	Fixed slapo-pcache locking during expiration (ITS#9529)
	Fixed slappw-argon2 module installation (ITS#9548)
		Update ldapc++/ldaptcl to use (ITS#9554)
		ldap_first_attribute(3) - Document ldap_get_attribute_ber (ITS#8820)
        ldap_modify(3) - Delete non-existent mod_next parameter (ITS#9559)

comment:2 by Tim Tassonis, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed in commit 7115894011

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Milestone: 10.211.0

Milestone renamed

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