Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#15452 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.0
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Xi Ruoyao, 4 years ago

SONAME is still, so it can be elevate into 11.0 (as 4.2.1 is still unchecked now).

  • To run test on X11: meson test --setup x11
  • To run test on wayland: meson test --setup wayland

ninja test invokes meson test --setup wayland unconditionally.

On my system, with either X11 or wayland the test result are same:

Ok:                 665 
Expected Fail:      2   
Fail:               6   
Unexpected Pass:    0   
Skipped:            1   
Timeout:            0   
Last edited 4 years ago by Xi Ruoyao (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Milestone: 11.111.0

Per advice from Xi, changing back to 11.0

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:4 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago


Overview of Changes in 4.3.0

* GtkVideo:
 - Detect stream metadata when using gstreamer

* GtkFileChooser:
 - Fix a crash

* GtkButton:
 - Add back visual feedback for keynav activation

* GtkFontChooser:
 - Fix initial font selection

* Text widgets:
 - Replace squiggly error underlines by dotted lines
 - Support translucent selections

* GtkTextView:
 - Various improvements to rendering performance

* GtkScrolledWindow:
 - Stop using scroll cursors

* GtkMenuButton:
 - Make focus-on-click work

* GtkToggleButton:
 - Make grouped buttons mutually exclusive

* GtkPasswordEntry:
 - Use MADV_DONTDUMP for secure memory

* GtkListBox:
 - Allow repeated selection extension for MULTIPLE

* Themes:
 - Reorganize and rename included themes. The theme is now
   called Default, with dark, hc and hc-dark variants.
   Visually, the themes are unchanged.
 - The theme variants are also available as standalone
   themes called Default-dark, etc.
 - The theme named Adwaita is moving to libadwaita
 - Fix resize border sizing
 - Fix solid-csd window decorations

* Input:
 - Revert some Compose sequence changes (mainly around dead
   acute and apostrophe)
 - Consume all key events during preedit, to avoid unexpected
 - Ignore more modifiers during preedit, to allow using 3rd and
   5th level choosers
 - Fix handling of cursor positions in non-ASCII preedit text
 - Fix a problem with deferred focus setting

* GdkClipboard:
 - Ensure strings are nul-terminated

* GSK:
 - Improvements to the ngl renderer
   - Fix offscreen rendering with transforms
   - Fix downscaled textures
   - Avoid huge intermediate textures
   - Use fp16 for colors
   - Optimize handling of underlines in text
   - Fix corner cases of shadow rendering
 - Reorganize shader resources
 - Make shadow rendering match across renderers

* Accessibility:
 - Various fixes to get Orca to speak (still a work in progress)

* Wayland:
 - Improve font settings fallback
 - Avoid unintentional rendering freezes with popovers
 - Support the xdg_activation_v1 protocol

* X11:
 - Don't beep on untrusted displays
 - Don't crash when popovers are outside the workarea

* Windows:
 - Fix using GL rendering with Mesa drivers

* Tools:
 - Add support for copy/paste in gtk4-node-editor
 - Make syntax highlighting work in the gtk4-demo flatpak

* Inspector:
 - Enable the inspector by default, in all cases
 - Show keyboard layouts
 - Improve monitor information


Overview of Changes in 4.3.1

* GtkEmojiChooser:
 - Update data from CLDR 39
 - Load Emoji data for both language and territory

* GtkCalendar:
 - Fix an off-by-one error in day numbers

* GtkListView:
 - Add .activatable style class to activatable items

* GtkCheckButton:
 - Don't allow unchecking grouped radio buttons

 - Fix mnemonic activation propagation

* GtkLabel:
 - Make mnemonics work even when invisible
 - Fix mnemonic activation propagation

* GtkMenuButton:
 - Add a property to mark primary menus and make F10 work

* GtkApplication:
 - Fix initial screensaver state async

* GtkEntry:
 - Apply xalign to placeholder text (as it was in GTK 3)

* GtkSpinButton:
 - Fix swipe gestures

* GtkStackSwitcher:
 - Implement GtkOrientable (as it was in GTK 3)
 - Fix a use-after-free problem with drag timeouts

* GtkFileChooser:
 - Add support for (case-insensitive) suffix matches in GtkFileFilter

* GtkPasswordEntry:
 - Make GtkPasswordEntryBuffer public, to make it easier
   to write your own password entry widget

* Input:
 - Fix interference between various obscure XKB features
   (e.g. overlays) and Compose sequences

* Action support:
 - Fix submenu-action handling

* Theme:
 - Update icons from the Adwaita icon theme
 - Fix icon names for GtkSwitch
 - Fix switch-off icon

* GSK:
 - Improve transformed offscreen rendering
 - Add padding between cached glyphs

* Wayland:
 - Fix monitor sizes in the presence of transforms
 - Add a getter for the EGLDisplay
 - Fix click-drag-release sequences for popovers

* X11:
 - Support EGL for X11. Fall back to GLX if EGL isn't available
 - Always fall back to GLX on NVidia
 - Add a getter for the EGLDisplay

* Broadway:
 - Add a setter for display scale

* Windows:
 - Add a getter for the EGLDisplay
 - Make GL work for media playback

* MacOS:
 - Fix menubar appearance

* Tools:
 - gtk4-builder-tool: Replace can-focus with focusable in 3-to-4 conversion

* Introspection:
 - Add missing annotations in a few places (e.g. gtk_free_view_row_activated)

* Build:
 - Only build one source file with -mf16c
 - Fix devel styling for ci flatpak builds
 - Generate appdata for demo flatpaks

* Docs:
 - Numerous fixes and additions


Overview of Changes in 4.3.2

* GtkToggleButton:
 - Fix the actionable implementation

* GtkCheckButton:
 - Fix the actionable implementation
 - Cancel activation on when the pointer leaves

* GtkMenuButton:
 - Make activatable again
 - Add a way to have an icon + arrow

* GtkColorButton:
 - Make activatable again

* GtkFontButton:
 - Make activatable again

* GtkAppChooserButton:
 - Make activatable again

* GtkColumnView:
 - Fix double activation

* GtkLabel:
 - Fix mnemonics without markup

* GtkTreeView:
 - Clip header buttons

* GtkTextView:
 - Add api to get the RTL and LTR contexts
 - Fix some errors in text history grouping

* GtkText:
 - Don't show placeholder text on top of entry text
 - Add api to compute the cursor extents
 - Fix y coordinates for text selection

* GtkFileChooser:
 - Don't show Trash in the side bar

* GtkPopoverMenu:
 - Add scrollbars to long menus

* GtkActionMuxer:
 - Fix propagation of accel changes

* Introspection:
 - Annotate all filename arguments
 - Rename GtkMediaStream apis to avoid name collisions
 - Rename GtkDropTarget properties to avoid name collisions
 - Make GtkPasswordEntryBuffer introspectable

* Printing:
 - Remove the Google Cloud Print backend

* Theme:
 - Sync included icons with the Adwaita icon theme

* GSK:
 - Avoid overflowing the vertex counter
 - Handle negative scales correctly in the ngl renderer

* GDK:
 - Cleanup and simplify OpenGL setup code
 - Add a GdkDisplay::init_gl vfunc and gdk_display_prepare_gl() api
 - Require EGL 1.4
 - Fix EGL + NVidia

* Build:
 - Enable gstreamer by default
 - Disable Vulkan by default
 - Remove the sassc option
 - Remove options and checks for X11 extensions

* X11:
 - Stop using XComposite
 - Remove the Visual cache

* Wayland:
 - Fix some DND corner cases
 - Work with version 2 of pointer-gestures-v1
 - Look for cursor themes in $HOME/.icons

* Windows:
 - Fix SIGILL on x64 due to popcnt
 - Fix popup placement
 - Fix drag icon placement
 - Clean up HiDPI and WGL support
 - Default to WGL

* MacOs:
 - Fix input method support
 - Register known clipboard types for drop targets
 - Add initial DND support


Overview of Changes in 4.4.0

* Input:
 - Match IBus for display of Compose sequences
 - Match IBus for handling of mismatches
 - Handle Escape in Compose sequences
 - Allow multiple dead keys
 - Support 32bit keysyms

* GtkCheckButton:
 - Activate when moving focus

* GtkLabel:
 - Propertly ignore double underscores for mnemonics

* GtkPopoverMenu:
 - Fix focus cycling

* GtkTextView:
 - Improve word selection
 - Fix block cursors on empty lines

* GdkToplevel:
 - Support the gnome-shell titlebar gesture protocol

* GdkDropTarget:
 - Allow creating drop targets in ui files

* gsk:
 - Handle partial color fonts correctly
 - Use harfbuzz for color font information
 - Avoid pango for glyph cache rendering
 - Shrink shadow extents

* Settings:
 - Change the default for gtk-split-cursor to FALSE

* Demos:
 - Small improvements to widget-factory
 - gtk-demo: Improve the hypertext demo
 - gtk-dem: Improve the clipboard demo

* X11:
 - Set WM_CLASS on toplevels

* Wayland:
 - Support wl_seat v7

* Windows:
 - Drop the local DND protocol
 - Avoid WGL if shaders don't work
 - Use WinPointer API

comment:5 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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