Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#15644 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 3 years ago


Version 2.52.1

This is a bugfix release; there are no new features this time.

## Changes:

- #791 - Fix ordering of tspan inside text elements for right-to-left

- #789 - Fix text-anchor positioning for right-to-left languages.

- #797 - Fix regression in computing sizes when an SVG has only one of
  width/height and a viewBox.  Thanks to Joshua Fogg for compiling a
  list of test cases for this.

- #565 - Spec compliance - the writing-mode property applies only to
  text elements, no to individual tspan elements.

- #794 - Fix build on big-endian platforms.

- Clarify documentation for the rsvg_handle_write() /
  rsvg_handle_close() deprecated APIs.


Version 2.52.2

Bugfixes and new features!

## New features

Thanks to Michael Howell, rsvg-convert now supports generating
multi-page PDFs in a sensible way.

With one SVG document per page, each page with the
SVG's natural size:

  rsvg-convert --format=pdf -o out.pdf a.svg b.svg c.svg

With all pages sized as portrait US Letter, and each SVG scaled to fit
so that there is a 1in margin around each page:

  rsvg-convert --format=pdf -o out.pdf \
    --page-width=8.5in --page-height=11in \
    --width=6.5in --height=8.5in --keep-aspect-ratio \
    --top=1in --left=1in \
    a.svg b.svg c.svg

Please see the man page for details.

- #738 - Support <a> elements inside <text>.  Also, support the CSS :link
  pseudo-class for matching against links. (Michael Howell)

- #649 - Support the CSS :lang() pseudo-class for matching against an
  element's xml:lang attribute. (Michael Howell)

- #790 - Support the mask-type property from SVG2.

## Fixes

- #800 - Don't panic when a shorthand property is set to
  inherit. (Michael Howell)

- #788 - Fix regression with the viewport size of interior <svg>
  elements. (Michael Howell)

- #731 - Allow length units to be case-insensitive, per SVG2. (Kolja Lampe)

## Documentation

- There is now a in the repository, where you can see all
  the elements, attributes, and properties that librsvg supports.  We
  will be adding detail to this gradually.

- For developers, there is now devel-docs/ with a
  tutorial on how to add support for new CSS properties.


Version 2.52.3

Bugfixes, mostly for text layout.  Also, text links in PDF!

- #17 - Support text-decoration=overline.

- #249 - Basic support for the unicode-bidi property.  Librsvg still
  considers each tspan independently of others, which is incorrect, but
  at least bidi-override works now for a single embedding level.

- #804 - Fix placement of tspan that changes the text direction.

- #805 - :lang() selector should now match lang attribute from an
  element's parent. (Michael Howell)

- #806 - Fix the text-anchor property for right-to-left text.

- #807 - PDF now includes links inside text elements. (Michael Howell)


Version 2.52.4

New features:

- #816 - Support the isolation property from the Compositing and
  Blending Level 1 specification.

- Support Visual Studio 2022 (Chun-wei Fan).


- #818 - The opacity and mix-blend-mode properties were not being
  applied when an element has a mask.

- Fix panic when an empty group has a pattern fill and filters.

- Fix the tests on Windows; the still only work when Fontconfig is
  present (Chun-wei Fan).

- Work around a bug in the cairo-rs bindings in the test suite, that
  only manifests itself in s/390x due to its calling convention.  See

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 3 years ago

Summary: librsvg-2.52.1librsvg-2.52.4

Now 2.52.4

comment:4 by Douglas R. Reno, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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