Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#15778 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from Douglas R. Reno to Bruce Dubbs
Status: assignednew

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

Status: newassigned

comment:4 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

Summary: icewm-2.9.0icewm-2.9.3

Now version 2.9.3.

Release icewm-2.9.3 released 2021-12-21

  • Fix vertical position of systray in taskbar to prevent background glitch
  • Only repaint frame when it has borders.
  • Initialize the system tray with a valid height. When the system tray changes height then start from a vertical position of 1
  • Revert commit 427547115d60d9b41860aa76b27cb8e805ed5d6a "Preferring DejaVu fonts for all purposes".
  • Immediately create workspace buttons for more reliable taskbar relayouts.
  • Add font macros for Xft fonts.
  • Refresh task pane background on expose events.
  • Support Unicode and non-Latin text in input fields and the address bar.
  • Prevent compiler warnings.
  • Denote the language.
  • Initialize locale specific modifiers with XSetLocaleModifiers.
  • Fix compilation without CONFIG_I18N.
  • Fix for icesh maximize.
  • Add a Tile submenu to the title bar menu.
  • Update pot files. -Add global 'ignorable' to not report errors for this unmapped client window.
  • Postpone requesting focus for icewm internal windows until all create and map events have been processed.
  • Set fFocusWin to nullptr when a frame is about to lose focus.
  • Postpone granting focus to applications which use the Globally Active Input model, like wine, until all its events have been processed.
  • Record when a client frame is unmapped, to not report further errors.
  • Force the desktop background to be refreshed for 'feh' background pixmaps
  • Preferring DejaVu fonts for all purposes
  • Translations

comment:5 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at commit 13c75b20fa0b3bb3676908f6d54c00db2430f8bb

Package updates.
    Update to httpd-2.4.52.
    Update to asciidoc-10.1.1.
    Update to icewm-2.9.3.

comment:6 by Douglas R. Reno, 3 years ago


Improvements to drawing right-to-left text within left-to-right locales.
Improvements for right-to-left locales like Arabic and Hebrew.
Give icewmbg an error handler to protect against destroyed windows.
Updated translations, most notably Ukrainian.
Only free cursor attributes when they were allocated.
Fix column alignment in menu's for right-to-left languages.
Prefer to keep the system menu within the frame when
opening it from the menu button in the titlebar.
Don't repaint the taskbar when it is collapsed.
Refresh the taskbar to prevent background artefacts in CoolSteel.
Fix the last entry in the themes menu for the default theme.
Ignore empty resize events to reduce flickering when resizing in CoolSteel.
Only redraw frame borders on the last expose event.
Fix the the bottom right hole of a scrolled window list for bbidulock/icewm#620.
Add logout icons to Logout submenu for issue #69.
Update minimum required cmake version to 3.2.
Support right-to-left languages for corefonts when i18n is enabled.
When codesets are missing in a fontset, then only search for
extra fonts in the same font family, and only when i18n is enabled.
Detect UTF-8 locale and support multibyte to wide character conversions.
Make DejaVu the default backup font family for corefonts.
Fix the horizontal scrollbar for the window list window.
Improve the ascent/descent detection for font sets.
Optimize text length detection for width-limited text fields.
Improve the Xft last resort backup font.
Improve vertical font positioning for the address bar.
Reuse discarded miniicon positions when minimizing to desktop.
Flush stdout after printing preferences.
Detect Right-To-Left locales Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, Pashto, Sindhi, Urdu.
Improve the handling of font loading failures.
Improve the handling of setting "PreferFreetypeFonts" to false.
Use the font "10x20" as the last resort font instead of "fixed".
Be resilient to font preferences being set to the empty string.
Document drag and drop.
Add support for edge switching during drag and drop operations.
Update icewm.desktop for issue bbidulock/icewm#617.
Add a font cache to prevent repeatedly loading the same fonts,
which also makes icewm a little faster on startup.
Don't kill internal windows.
Only let a frame retake focus on an ungrab event when the manager still
believes that frame should have focus. This fixes the flashing of title
bar buttons when the window list window is popped up.
Fix for FreeBSD build.
Document the -T switch for taskbar in icesh for issue #18.


Fix for focusing wine and winecfg for issue bbidulock/icewm#625.
Fix the taskbar background for double height taskbar.
Swap the columns in the about dialog for right-to-left locales.
Replace "sans-serif" with "DejaVu Sans" for Xft fonts,
because these support a wider range of characters, which
improves support for languages with non-Latin scripts.
Add tabs to CPU multiline status tooltip for two-column display.
Fix multiline tooltips for right-to-left locales.
Ensure the multiline tab spacing is two character positions.
Fix taskbar collapse button for right-to-left locales.
Fix workspace pane sizing for right-to-left locales.
When the keyboard layout changes due to external reasons
and the taskbar has the keyboard applet, then reflect
the new layout in the taskbar applet for issue bbidulock/icewm#622.
Make the keyboard applet display all of the output
of setxkbmap -query in the tooltip for the applet.
With the mouse in the keyboard applet, always post the tooltip.
Compress a series of XMappingEvents to one keyboard update.


Fix for fullscreen wine programs for issue #73.
Fix the drawing of LED-clock for themes like "unusualscars".
Fix a memory access after free after loading a core font failed.
Fix a missing include sys/wait.h for the FreeBSD build.
Add support for multiple clocks in different time zones.
Internationalize the error messages for the dynamic menu.
Internationalize the keyboard tooltip.
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