Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#15818 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version. Make sure to include the release notes for the 1.49.x series as well, looks like there are some dependency changes.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Xi Ruoyao, 3 years ago

json-glib dependency was added, but then removed in final release.

Overview of changes in 1.50.0, 02-12-2021
* Fix glyph placement in gravity east
* Fix line heights in improper gravities
* Only shown selected ignorables with nicks
* Support tab alignments other than left
* Support custom decimal points on decimal tabs
* Fix a pango-view crash
* Optimize handling of many tabs
* Drop json-glib dependency

Overview of changes in 1.49.4, 27-11-2021
* Require fontconfig 2.13
* Require harfbuzz 2.6
* Many fixes to line breaking accuracy
* coretext: Correctly clamp text weights at min/max values
* Add serialization api for PangoLayout, PangoFont and PangoAttrList
* Require json-glib
* tests: Use serialized layouts for test cases
* tests: Include fonts in git
* pango-view: Accept serialized layouts
* Fix a rounding problem with font metrics
* Fix visible space display using ␣

Overview of changes in 1.49.3
* Fix hinting of glyph metrics
* Fix logical glyph extents in vertical gravities
* Visualize more default-ignorable glyphs
* Fix advance widths in transformed contexts
* Implement Small Caps and other casing variations

Overview of changes in 1.49.2
* Update Unicode data to Unicode 14
* Fix underlining of spaces
* Round font metrics when appropriate
* Fix some corner cases of cursor positioning
* Handle Catalan middle-dot in text segmentation

Overview of changes in 1.49.1
* Only recompute log attrs when needed
* Validate log attrs
* Fix conformance issues in Thai and Indic linebreaking
* Add pango_attr_break to support customizing line and word breaks
* Add font-dependent baseline shifts and sizing for super- and subscripts
* Improve hyphenation support
* pango-view: Visualize caret positions and slopes
* pango-view: Show glyph rects
* pango-view: Make --annotate easier to use
* Add pango_layout_get_caret_pos to support sloped carets
* Improve caret positioning for ligatures
* Better under- and overline placement
* layout: Allocate a bit less
* layout: Fix cluster extents with rise
* Add pango_layout_iter_get_run_baseline
* Add pango_glyph_string_index_to_x_full
* coretext: Set size on font descriptions
* Add color information to PangoGlyphVisAttr

Overview of changes in 1.49.0
* Rename git `master` branch to `main` (#579)
* Bump version to 1.49
* Require fribidi 1.0.6
* Fix threadsafety issues with Thai
* Fix a rounding problem on i386
* Fix font choice for ellipsis (#575)
* New api: pango_font_get_languages
* New api: Introspection helpers for attributes (#476)
* Ignore width in horizontal context when itemizing (#503)
* markup: Allow specifying size and rise in points (#67)
* markup: Allow specifying size as percentage (#23)
* Rewrite pango_layout_move_cursor_visually (#157, #585, #587)
* Add a line-height attribute and make logical line extents respect it
* Add pango_justify_last_line (#74)
* Add pango_shape_item
* Add a text-transform attribute and implement it
* Clean up fribidi api usage
* Fix a bug in the gravity data table (#597)
* pango-view: Improve the --annotate option
* Fix a possible crash in rendering strikethroughs (#599)

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Bruce Dubbs
Status: newassigned

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at commit 108e563e80cd1e8e948727258742d39ed0fd55c5

Package updates.
    Update to glib-2.70.2.
    Update to pangomm-1.46.2.
    Update to pango-1.50.0.
    Update to mypaint-brushes-1.3.1.
    Update to sysstat-12.5.5.
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