Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#15889 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New major version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Bruce Dubbs
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

Version 2.0.0 (12/21/2021)

  • This started out as a 1.9.0 release but then I got fed up with the abundance of directory listers (8 in total, 2 each for each output mode). Nothing is terribly well tested since there are a lot of changes and I would like to get this out the door finally, please report breakage. This reduced so much code that all the below additions only resulted in a code base that is only 54 lines larger than 1.8.0.
  • Rolled all the directory listers into 2 functions that call output specific functions (removes one TODO).
  • -R option now recursively calls the emit_tree() function rather than using system() to re-call tree. Also removes a TODO.
  • Adds --info to print information about files/directories from information found in .info files (removes a maybe do) In HTML output, comments show as mouse over tooltips, which I imagine will be the most useful use of this "feature".
  • Output un-indented JSON on file descriptor 3 ("stddata") automatically if file descriptor 3 is present (currently Linux only.) Maybe switch to BSON.
  • Always HTML escape filenames in HTML output even when -C is used.
  • Return a non-zero exit status if there is a failure to open any directory.
  • Added --gitignore option to filter out files specified by .gitignore files. (also reads $GIT_DIR/info/exclude if present.) To facilitate gitignore, adds support for ** on pattern matching to allow /**/ to match a single /. This is not well tested and kind of hacked together, so may not work correctly.
  • Now also supports multiple -I and -P instances.
  • Now prints meta data for the top level directory as well.
  • Split spaghetti code in main into individual functions.
  • Properly sort --fromfile input
  • Make tree colorization use reset (rs code in dir_colors,) not normal color when resetting attributes
  • Honor -n (no color) even if the CLICOLOR_FORCE environment variable is set
  • Added --metafirst to print the metadata before the indentation lines
  • Fix --sort option to not require =
  • Defer sorting for --du until the entire sub-directory tree has been processed.
  • Optimized makefile, HP/UX support (Osipov, Michael). Note that this changes the prefix default to /usr/local, which is becoming required for many systems now.
  • Renamed (the by now very obsolete) doc/ to doc/
  • Fix JSON string escaping such that it is not using the HTML escaping
  • Add --filesfirst option. Cleaned up sorting code to make --dirsfirst and --filesfirst top level meta-sorts.
  • "arial" not "ariel", HTML style-sheet cleaned up in any event.
  • Deprecate using local -DLINUX / -DCYGWIN and use the OS provided linux or CYGWIN
  • XML/HTML/JSON output needs to be mutually exclusive, last command line switch wins.
  • Make sure we use xmalloc instead of malloc in a number of places

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at commit 0a0ad3a17b932dbc1112ff58422bd73d58eb00a1

Package updates.
    Update to tree-2.0.0.
    Update to pango-1.50.3.
    Update to qpdf-10.5.0.
    Update to libportal-0.5.
    Update to gtk+3 3.24.31.
    Update URLs in Beyond BLFS section.
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