Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#15992 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Tim Tassonis
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Tim Tassonis, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Tim Tassonis
Status: newassigned
OpenLDAP 2.6.1 Release (2022/01/20)
	Fixed libldap to init client socket port (ITS#9743)
	Fixed libldap with referrals (ITS#9781)
	Added slapd config keyword for logfile format (ITS#9745)
	Fixed slapd to allow objectClass edits with no net change (ITS#9772)
	Fixed slapd configtable population (ITS#9576)
	Fixed slapd to only set loglevel in server mode (ITS#9715)
	Fixed slapd logfile-rotate use of uninitialized variable (ITS#9730)
	Fixed slapd passwd scheme handling with slapd.conf (ITS#9750)
	Fixed slapd postread support for modrdn (ITS#7080)
	Fixed slapd syncrepl recreation of deleted entries (ITS#9282)
	Fixed slapd syncrepl replication with ODSEE (ITS#9707)
	Fixed slapd syncrepl to properly replicate glue entries (ITS#9647)
	Fixed slapd syncrepl to reject REFRESH for precise resync (ITS#9742)
	Fixed slapd syncrepl to avoid busy loop during refresh (ITS#9584)
	Fixed slapd syncrepl when X-ORDERED is specified (ITS#9761)
	Fixed slapd syncrepl to better handle out of order delete ops (ITS#9751)
	Fixed slapd syncrepl to correctly close connections when config is deleted (ITS#9776)
	Fixed slapd-mdb to update indices correctly on replace ops (ITS#9753)
	Fixed slapd-wt to set correct flags (ITS#9760)
	Fixed slapo-accesslog to fix assertion due to deprecated code (ITS#9738)
	Fixed slapo-accesslog to fix inconsistently normalized minCSN (ITS#9752)
	Fixed slapo-accesslog delete handling of multi-valued config attrs (ITS#9493)
	Fixed slapo-autogroup to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9766)
	Fixed slapo-constraint to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9770)
	Fixed slapo-dyngroup to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9762)
	Fixed slapo-dynlist compare operation for static groups (ITS#9747)
	Fixed slapo-dynlist static group filter with multiple members (ITS#9779)
	Fixed slapo-ppolicy when not built modularly (ITS#9733)
	Fixed slapo-refint to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9763)
	Fixed slapo-retcode to honor requested insert position (ITS#9759)
	Fixed slapo-sock cn=config support (ITS#9758)
	Fixed slapo-syncprov memory leak (ITS#8039)
	Fixed slapo-syncprov to generate a more accurate accesslog query (ITS#9756)
	Fixed slapo-syncprov to allow empty DB to host persistent syncrepl connections (ITS#9691)
	Fixed slapo-syncprov to consider all deletes for sycnInfo messages (ITS#5972)
	Fixed slapo-translucent to warn on invalid config (ITS#9768)
	Fixed slapo-unique to warn on invalid config (ITS#9767)
	Fixed slapo-valsort to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9764)
	Build Environment
		Fix test022 to preserve DELAY search output (ITS#9718)
		Fix slapd-watcher to allow startup when servers are down (ITS#9727)
		Fixed slapo-lastbind to work with 2.6 lastbind-precision configuration (ITS#9725)
		Fixed slapd.conf(5)/slapd-config(5) documentation on lastbind-precision (ITS#9728)
		Fixed slapo-accesslog(5) to clarify logoldattr usage (ITS#9749)

comment:2 by Tim Tassonis, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed in commit b0c28cf54b

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